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Jan 24, 2017

Trump unwittingly hands over World Power Status to China

As the US relinquishes its global leadership role the other big powers like Russia,China, Germany and Europe will start expanding their sphere of influence to gain political power and dominant status. Confrontations between competing powers will grow for territorial and military power to attain super power status.Particularly Russia that was enjoying a super power status before the break-up of the Soviet Union has already been trying to regain its global leadership role   as is obvious with annnexation of Crimea  and occupying part of Ukraine and further domination in Poland and Hungary . Flexing its muscles further, Kremlin is attempting to split NATO..
Trump administration is already working on a strategy to bring about a change in the Mid-East -Muslim world by  favouring Israel in huge settlements in West Bank and Jerusalem  but siding with Saudi Arabia  for economic interests while Russia continues to play a leading role in Syria and Palestinian government has asked Putin to play a major role in the Middle East peace process.
Russia has extended invitation to US President Trump  to visit Moscow for lifting some of the economic sanctions  and Trump contemplates to create a wedge between Russia and China which is  expanding its trade with numerous countries as Central Asian Republics, Asian nations  and even Europe are becoming interdependent on China for trade.
As Trump weakens US foot print in Asia Pacific by  abandoning the Trans-Pacific Partnership ,the largest trade accord in history , would have set new terms for trade  and business investment  among the US and 11 other Pacific rim nations .
But there are chances of Donald Trump  reversing his "America First' foreign Policy as the decisions  and executive orders signed by him like TPP etc if they will make America less influential, no economic benefit  by giving up the security of US allies  and calling back of US troops from the bases provided to American forces by different countries in the world .
As because super power status hinges on the US military presence coupled with the economic ties with the various countries  .Since 2005 China has already stepped into US shoes by creating military / naval bases, stationing of its troops and establishing trade relations  in different parts of the world.
Then how Trump is going to confront China in South China Sea .China that has been expanding its financial and economic power exponentially is likely to face problems ,its economy being based on state controlled inefficient economy and consequently debt ridden economy.
The major challenge for the main top world leaders will be to ensure that the world may not plunge into chaos  and the terrorist groups and jihadist of Islamic State are not able to consolidate their position any further.

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