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Oct 20, 2015

Great Power game in Syria and South China Sea

Great power game  has already begun. The world  is mainly focused  on two significant areas namely Syria  with adjoining Iraq and other neighbours and South China Sea  where US is challenging a sort of sovereign being imposed by China by building large artificial structures resembling islands.
This gives rise to alliances  with Russia, Iran, Syria and other Mid-east countries against the Sunni monarchs backed by West  and  will divide European Union to new power allignments

Russia’s military action in Syria by bombarding the Rebel Syrian forces  give a clear message  that Russia aims at nullifying the spring revolution in Mid East and desires to impose its policy through its client regime of Bashar –al-Assad. Russia’s relations with Ukraine  and its annexation of Crimea has given rise to Russia’s assertion as a re entry of its old superpower status in the  international arena.

With military intervention in Syria, Putin publicly displayed that Russia has the muscle to emerge as a major player in global politics and unlike America , Russia can be trusted to clean up the mess in the Middle East  .The strikes followed Putin's first address at the United Nations General Assembly in a decade and ended a period of isolation over Moscow's seizure of Crimea from Ukraine last year.The launch of strikes in Syria  on 30th September --is Russia's first major military involvement outside former Soviet Union territory since the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.

Russia has been conducting air strikes in Syria in defence of the embattled regime of President Bashar al-Assad since September 30,accusing West  for using Syrian regime’s abuses of human rights to interfere in sovereign countries,Putin said: “Instead of settling conflicts ( for the  advancement of democracy) it leads to their escalation, instead of sovereign and stable states we see the growing spread of chaos, and instead of democracy there is support for a very dubious public ranging from open neo-fascists to Islamic radicals.”

Likewise China’s aim  in expanding new sort of sovereignty in South China Sea by building  areo strips and military structures is considered  as a direct challenge to the military might of US superpower that has already declared that it will enter or sail warships waters inside the 12-nautical-mile zones around islands China has built in the Spratly chain.

 Washington said  it does not recognize Beijing's sovereignty over the several islands China has built on reefs in the Spratly archipelago and says the US navy will continue to operate wherever international law allows.

The issue is central to increasingly tense relations between the United States and China, the world's two largest economies.

Consequently China and US are virtually  in a stand off  position  that may unfold some  new scenario  in the  power game.

The conflict  in Syria  has become  a warzone  with rebel forces  being  supplied  with arms  and ammunitions by US and Assad Army being protected  under Russian air cover who has  also  indicated  even  its ground forces  can enter that theatre of conflict .

This is the first intervention  since  the collapse of Soviet .US accuses Russia of building its power bloc in this area under the guise of eliminating ISIS.IF Russia succeeds  in Syria it will likely control major chunk of Mid-East countries thereby  enhancing its global image which will also  boost  Putin’s domestic  standing .

Kremlin has also in mind the desire  to break NATO alliance that is being controlled  exclusively   by US. European countries  being in turmoil due to major ongoing  migration can opt for  new NATO like alignment  that may favour Russia .

Time thus appears ripe for China  to play  its power  game in South China Sea  to defy  US naval maneuvers It is time  of great challenges  for  all-round  US superpower status .

It is noteworthy that warplanes  of various  countries like Russians, Americans,Israelis, Turks and French are simultaneously operating  in Syrian air space  with implicit   intention  of apportioning the Mid-East  world in their own ambit of influence.

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