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Feb 17, 2017

Populists wave may speedup disintegration of European Union

Europe's new wave of populism is creating a new world order by banning immigrants from Muslim countries  while elections in Germany, France ,Netherlands and Italy due in 2017 will determine new Europe in the era of Brexit and Donald Trump .Netherlands  is holding  national election on 15th March 2017.Ahead of the Dutch general elections, opinion polls point to a divided electorate . The two biggest parties in the polls, the radical right wing populist Freedom Party (PVV) and the right-wing liberal party (VVD) command over 20% and 15% of the vote each. 
Dutch nationalist party or the radical-right wing Freedom Party leader Geert wilders is predicted to be leading the polls by a few percentage points though his anti-Muslim party usually under performs in the outcome of the elections. Geert proposes  to "de-Islamisize"Netherlands and to quit the European Union .
On the other hand  Free thinking Liberal and the Dutch prime Minister Mark Rutte  and who is vying for another term stated that immigrants  should accept country's values or get out "Discomfort will increase if people misuse our freedom ,especially since  they came to this country to enjoy those freedoms... I understand that people think: It you reject our  country fundamentally , I'd rather see you go . I have the same feeling .Act normal or leave," he said.
The opinion poll suggests that Wilders would emerge with the largest party with 27-31 seats in the 150- member  lower house of Parliament  with Rutte's party managing just 23-27 seats.As there are 31 parties contesting the elections  so there are chances of a coalition government coming to power.
As immigrants comprise to 30% of the population and ethnic minorities like Turkish , Moroccan, Surinamese  and Antillean feel discriminated .
The impact of Donald Trump policies shows the dawn of a new era of leaders like Marine Le Pen of France , Greet Wilders  coming to the fore of European world order and aggressive nationalism that may bring in disintegration of European Union.
Meanwhile, Rutte is being credited for bringing in reforms and improving the economy of the country but Geert proposes to lower income tax, pension age at 65,cuts in elderly care ,Dutch exit from EU, deport criminals with dual nationality and de-Islamising the Netherlands.
 Further Frauke Petry's is likely to enter the German Parliament in a national election in September 2017 ,riding sentiment against German Chancellor Angela Merkel's pro immigrant policy   .
As European Union is skeptical regarding Trump’s NATO policy ,the countries after disintegration of European Union will decide their future allies.

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