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Jun 24, 2013

US facilitating the return of Taliban in Afghanistan!

The obama administration by agreeing  to  hold peace talks with Talibans,as a Taliban Emirate entity ,has unwittingly undone the accomplishments of the 12 year long war in Afghanistan. US is strangely holding talks with Taliban in Doha,with a taliban flag,that amounted to sidelining the constitutionally elected government of Afghanistan.

Obviously,enraged  Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai retailated by announcing that Afghanistan was suspending its participation in US-Afghan talks about a Bilateral Security Arrangement  to provide for some US troops staying back in Afghanistan post 2014.

Even Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen already pointed in the Nato Chicago Summit last year that the peace process in Afghanistan must be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned.

Hamid Karzai had reacted  furiously after  Taliban opened  office in Qatar equipped  with the Taliban's flag and under the banner  of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan-the name  the Taliban regime  used to refer  to the Afghan state it ruled  before 2001 attack by US.

Though a Taliban flag that  had been hoisted at the  Taliban office in Qatar on Tuesday has been taken down and laid on the ground on Thursday and plaque a name plate reading  political office of the Islamic Emirate  of Afghanistan has been removed from outside  of building ,but the message has gone  out loudly to the international community.

This style of taliban will be seen by the international community as if  the Taliban are representing Afghanistan government in exile.This would seriously impact the 2014 elections  and create  a swing in favour of Taliban menace ,that  was supposed  to be countered and wiped out.

This episode will further  create long term complications in Afghanistan  and also impact  the situation in neighbouring countries.

To further  elaborate  the Talibans gameplan , Taliban spokerperson Mohammed Naeem told  to Europe media that “As long as foreign  forces are there we cannot call it  the end of foreign  occupation  in Afghanistan and the other important issue  is the issue of sovereignty. The current administration  in Kabul is not soverign.”
Further said,” How can  it then implement Islamic laws or harmonise them with the demands of the present times.”

The holding of talks with Talibans  under these circumstances is obviously questionable  and the result will be disastrous.

President Obama is well advised to recollect the ethnicity of Afghan society comprising of Uzbeks, tajiks, Hazaras, Shias etc and  that some prominent leaders of ex-Northern alliance are holding key posts in the current Afghanistan government. Besides, the women lawmakers would be worried of a possible Taliban return.

Another significant  aspect of talks is that it was initiated by Pakistan’s military and that has  also managed  the inclusion of banned terrorist  organization  the Haqqanis  network in these talks.  Thus it has created enough room for  Pakistan to wield political influence in Afghanistan that will be detrimental  to the stability of this region.

Obviously, US and Pakistan have learnt no lessons  of deploying fundamentalists in the proxy wars against India  and driving out the soviet forces  from Afghanistan,that ultimately resulted in AL Qaeda and their allies conducting 9/11 world trade centre attack.US has instead paved the way  for the return  of the dreaded Talibans menance in Afghanistan in elections of 2014.

This should also open the eyes of US-Nato allies  so that the swap of dreaded  Taliban leadership detained in Guantanamo prison is not allowed to take place. The swap of said detainees  will require  a written notification to the US, Congress where some lawmakers vigoursly oppose that move.

The return of these dreaded Taliban detainees  after a prolonged period may have a potential of bestowing  the status of heros that usually happens  in fundamentalist backward societies  and may markedly aggravate  the situation in 2014 polls in Afghanistan  seriously upsetting  the accomplishments of the  12 years  of sacrifice  and contribution by the Afghans who aspire  for improvement  in the conditions in Afghanistan .

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