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Apr 2, 2010

Israel virtually sabotages peace talks

Israel is at it, yet again. This time it thwarts the peace process that envisages a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine by declaring to undertake construction of settlements in east Jerusalem –area that was annexed after capturing it in 1967 Mideast war, while no other country recognizes the annexation.

Palestinians want east Jerusalem as capital of their new state. Prime Minister Netanyahu has asserted Israel’s “right to build in Jerusalem in an extremely arrogant manner , saying to a convention of the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) that Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3000 years ago and the jewish people are building it today” adding “but construction in no way precludes the possibility of a two-state solution” and calling upon Palestinian leader Mehmoud Abbas to “come and negotiate peace”.

This is virtually torpedoing the peace process itself.But this time round ,the public declaration to start the construction was announced while US Vice President Joe Biden was in Israel to promote regional talks .

It all amounted to straining US-Israel relations and undermining US credibility in the peace process , as US was itself mediating between Israel and Palestine through what are known as “proximity talks “ to bring the two sides again to negotiation table for starting the direct talks that broke down during Israel’s Gaza operation where a large number of Gazans suffered fatal casualties and a case of human rights violation against Israel is pending with the UN.

But how US and Netanyahu will be able to sort out conflicting positions on new settlements in occupied east Jerusalem will have a real bearing on the peace talks.
Already hawkish Netanyahu is heading a government in alliance with right-wing parties that makes the survival of his government even more critical,should he change his stand. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has however made an equally strong statement calling upon Israel that it should make “difficult choices” for peace elucidating that US guarantee of Israel security is only in respect of its pre Mid-east war boundaries ,that took place in 1967.

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