New Delhi, Jan 15: Speaking during the fifth edition of the Raisina Dialogue 2020 in the Indian capital, Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday slammed both United States and India for making an attempt to establish a concept of Indo-Pacific to contain China.
At a global conference to discuss the most challenging issues facing the world community, Lavrov furiously questioned the rules- based word order by the US while simultaneously violating international law, “Why do you need to call Asia-Pacific as Indo-Pacific? The answer is evident — to exclude China. Terminology should be unifying, not divisive. Neither SCO nor BRICS is exclusionary.”
Stating that US deliberately reconfigured the region just to isolate China and apparently pointed to the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD, also known as the Quad) strategic dialogue between the United States, Japan, Australia and India , the diplomatic and military arrangement as a response to increased Chinese economic and military power and influence in South China Sea.
Accusing Western countries of not adhering to the United Nations charter for discussions based on sovereign equality of states, noninterference in internal matters, territorial integrity and peaceful resolution of disputes, he asked, “Why do our Western friends insist on a rules-based order and not international law.Western friends are using international law less. Instead, they have coined a new concept which they call as a rules-based world order.”
He emphasized that China’s influence in the region is enormous and said that any strategy should not exclude anyone rather cooperation should be extended to all.
Russia has been urging New Delhi and Beijing to continue coordinating their efforts to ensure global and regional security, including in the Asia-Pacific region.
China’s assertive territorial claims in the South China Sea has infuriated many as Southeast Asian nations Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei all have rival claims.
He further added that Russia is also committed to the values of equal and indivisible security.
He further added that Russia is also committed to the values of equal and indivisible security.
“The ongoing process of creating a more fair and democratic polycentric world order requires us to closely coordinate our efforts and to forge consolidated stances,” the Russian foreign minister had said. “It is important to keep promoting positive and unifying international agenda, directed at ensuring global and regional stability and security, at achieving goals of sustainable development, at improving the framework of inter-state relations, including in the Asia-Pacific region.”.
He said that Russia was very much concerned with the situation in the Persian Gulf region and suggested that Gulf countries start thinking about a collective security mechanism as a confidence-building measure.
Lavrov backed India for the permanent seat in the United Nation security council
“G7 can’t decide any issue of significance for decisions on BRICS it should be G20. India & Brazil should absolutely be at the UNSC. Developing countries should be given adequate representation there,” Lavrov said at the event while advocating representation of developing countries in the UNSC.
While concluding his speech, he talked about Indo-Russia ties, and said, “We want to develop such relations with all countries of the region and I hope that our Indian friends will be promoting the same ideology.”
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