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May 7, 2012

US efforts at securing Afghanistan

US president Barack Obama specially travelled to Afghanistan to celebrate the first anniversary of Osama bin Laden But Al Qaeda was only one aspect of Afghanistan operations. With Afghanistan into the process of withdrawal of US-led forces which is to be completed by the end of 2014 ,the country is in the midst of most crucial stage of transition and transformation.
 This is  a phase of integration of Afghan Taliban insurgents  who are willing to abide by the constitution of the country.Though mostly subdued ,they are still executing daring terrorist acts as recently  being  seen in the  blasts in diplomatic enclave in Kabul.These are seemly attempts to embolden the residual insurgents elements to seize some place  in the post-US order of the country. Afghan talibans sheltered in the Pakistan’s semi-- autonomous tribal belt of Waziristan, have most recently even rejected the offer of “ a safe passage  by the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan’ to hold talks for negotiation describing this offer “ as an attempt to create schisms in their ranks.”

The current process may have to be attempted along multi--dimensional approach intended to break the nexus between Afghan and Pakistan talibans, deter Pakistan from following policy objectives of overshadowing Afghanistan, investing a strong political leadership with the Afghan President by conducting fair elections and boosting the country’s  economy by providing government to government assistance  and  promoting private business –to – business by gradually unleashing market forces of globalization. 

Even  after two terms  at presidency, Hamid Karzai does not  possess the desired level of political authority to deal with the prevailing situation,what is even more scary, his term expires in the year 2014 that would require even a stronger political handling  with the US virtually  exiting the country at that time.Hamid Karzai is thus reportedly considering calling early presidential election next year (ie in 2013) to take advantage  of the coalition military presence to enhance chances of country’s first peaceful transfer of power.Under the constitution, Mr Karzai is not eligible to run for a third term unless the provision is changed by the so- called constitutional  Loya Jirga- an assembly made up of national lawmakers  and heads of provincial  and district councils.But numerous Afghan leaders including Mr Atmar, Ashraf Ghani and Ali Jalili are seriously  exploring their prospects at Presidential election.A fair and transparent election can invest greater political authority at this juncture.

Pakistan can be persuaded  to seriously look  at the dangerous results of its adopting overbearing policies towards Afghanistan. A reverse-- gear reaction of promoting fundamentalist extremism in Afghanistan is amply visible in the Tehrik-e-Taliban terrorists executing terrorist attacks throughout the length and breath of Pakistan itself. The most undesirable  nexus between  the rogue elements in the ISI and the terrorist cadres grew such complicated  that “Memogate “ emerged as  a scandal assuming laughable proportions .

The interests of the region comprising India, Pakistan and Afghanistan would in fact be best served by following mutually advantageous policies of promoting  development, education and economic betterment so that this region may be counted as the most harmonized region of the world instead of being demarcated as the most dangerous  area  contributing as fulcrum of power play between different powers.

Inspired by such an ideology, India has already entered into a strategic bilateral agreement  with Afghanistan promising reconstruction assistance to the country at upgraded  government --to-- government level  and also ready to explore private to private economic cooperation by asking private  business companies (house) in India to join hands  with private investors  in Afghanistan with an idea  of unleashing huge economic forces in this war ravaged  country by even involving Pakistan, Iran ,China  and other countries  of the Istanbul process. US has also  explicitly announced  its intentions  of supporting Afghanistan after 2014 by keeping residual non- combat troops for training  Afghan forces to meet the responsibility of maintaining  internal and external security, providing financial assistance for boosting economic expansion otherwise so badly needed to root out joblessness to provide stability in the country.
Needless to say  that in view of perilous situations existing in the adjacent mid -east region on the west and positive development taking place in Myanmar on the east, US “pivot” has to be most essential and meaningful. It is only in this context that a truly sovereign Afghanistan can exist and thrive.


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