Changing stance at every turn of the "peace talks" while not implementing the two-state solution, though repeatedly swearing by the same, has proved to be hidden policy of Israel.
For about 20 years,the process has virtually served as a cover for annexation of illegally occupied land,building settlements on such land though often conceding that settlements would be dismantled and promising freeze on such settlements.
Now when Netanyahu referred to Jews building Jerusalem 3000 years ago in the context of settlements on annexed land of East Jerusalem, the history of yore was attempted to be created without regard to the holy sites of paestinians in their ownland.
The Arab Summit at the end of March 2010 naturally centered around working out a united strategy against Israel settlement policy with Saeb Erakat, Palestinian chief Negotiator saying "The Arabs offered to accept the two-state solution, have offered to have peace as a strategic option and what did the Israel governments do all the time: more settlements ,more fait accompli policies, more dictations and more facts on the ground".
Arab summit thus rightly dubbed the long dawn process a total failure threatening to pull out that may serve to give Israel a bitter taste of its own arrogance.
Published at 09/04/2010 17:00:00 in
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