With Iranian Presidential elections approaching in June 2009 and US seeking ‘Direct diplomacy’ with Iran over nuclear enrichment programme various issues are engaging public mind in the country. Iranian Parliament (Majlis) Speaker H.E.ALI LARIJANI speaks to ARTI BALI in Tehran about the vision of parliament, its structure of decision making and strategic issues
.. Excerpts of Interview
QWhat is the vision of your Parliament?
Ans We have made certain priorities based on our vision in economic,political and diplomatic areas . First ,Iranian Parliament is an absolute independent body .This branch has connections and relationships with other branches of the country but for decision making it enjoys an absolute independent mechanism .Secondly the Parliament pays special attention to economics We have an outlook macro plan for the country that guides us and parliament enacts the laws and regulations that facilitate the fulfillment of this plan .this involves huge volume of the activity.We need new laws to be ratified .And also new positions and relations need to be defined As regards to diplomacy we have defined a specific path that is Parliamentary diplomacy that actually serve as a catalyst for the fulfillment of the policies of the country.
Q What about the decision making structure in Iran?
Ans The most strategic issues are decided by the supreme leader.Others issues fall under the duties and responsibilities of other branches of the country. The Supreme leader does not interfere with the affairs of executive and legislative branch.The government is directly responsible for inflation.The strategic decisions are made by Supreme Leader with regards to advanced technologies like nuclear issue,nano technology and bio technology .
Q You are in favour of changing some laws What are those?
Q. Do you think Barack Obama will recognize Iran’s right of enriching Urnaium?
Ans We don’t need the US seal of approval to go ahead with our peaceful nuclear enrichment programme .We definitely move along with a international norms,systems and organizations. If a country is moving within a framework of IAEA and actually conforms to its regulations ,but then, there is another country that denies this country’s right,then it is that country that needs to be responsible and has to answer..
This too is a part of a policy of denying Iran and its revolution that the US has been following but we are well passed that stage.The international conditions and situations right now do not accept such an adventurism. All countries must respect all the international norms and regulations.
Q .What are the conditions for opening dialogue with US, any positive signals from your side ?
Ans We don’t want to go into negotiations without any preparations .Negotiations are like a tool . In politics one is not supposed to give charming and attractive speeches to the media. We do need to see a change in behaviour and they need to have proper understanding of the situation and the region and they have to understand what were the factors that led to the crisis of the region. The Americans have suppressed Iranians throughout the various decades. Because of US, a dictatorial regime was imposed on Iranian Nation for 50 years. America has to be held accountable and responsible for all those causes. As the Islamic revolution was going to be fruitful or victorious ,the Americans sent an another general Hezar in order to stage another crusader.
Thanks to the resourcefulness and great wisdom of Imam Khomeini the late founder of Islam Revolution this was prevented.Even after the Islamic revolution, war was imposed on Iran by Saddam Hussein, US stood along Saddam Hussein and supported him .The Iranian had to pay numerous costs during the eight year imposed war .25000 Iranians were martyred. With regards to the nuclear issue I want to say that the Americans have always approached this issue with adventurism and militancy.As soon as the Islamic revolution became victorious they revoked all the contracts and agreements they had signed with Iran to develop a nuclear programme with Iran.The behaviour of US in other countries like Afghanistan Lebanon,,Palestine and Iraq have always been based on adventurism and militancy .The problem of the region cannot be solved by changing the rhetoric and voice .There needs to be change in behaviour .The Americans have to understand that they have to play a game of chess and not boxing.
Q How do you look at US new strategy of stabilizing Afghanistan?
Ans Afghanistan has the longest story .It has been crusaded numerous times . Probably when Americans occupied Afghanistan in 2001 they did it for some objectives like combating narcotics, illegal drugs,combating terrorism and to capture the main leaders of terrorist groups .Now after 8 years you can very well make out how many objectives they have achieved .In 2001 the production of narcotics was 200 tons and in 2008 its about 8000 tons.This gives a new definition to combating narcotics and another bigger fiasco is combating terrorism.Everyday NATO opens the window and screams that we are against terrorism, we would like to eradicate terrorists but behind the scenes they hold talks and negotiations with the leaders of terrorists groups.These days NATO forces are discussing a new topic i.e. good terrorists versus bad terrorists. The problems in the region originated from such double standards adopted by US .
India and Pakistan have access and produced nuclear weapons but the US has no problem with either of them.It cooperates with them but when it comes to Iran nuclear dossier or nuclear weapons they say we do know that Iran doesn’t have any nuclear bomb .They are adventurous .Of course we have no problem with India or Pakistan we are friends I was giving you an example of double standards by US . Uptill now no leaders of the terrorists groups have been captured by US.These double standards has created more destruction of Afghanistan rather than development. The issue of Afghanistan security is important to us .We will make every effort to help Afghanistan to deal with this security issue.
Q Do you have any intentions of entering the arms race?
Ans No it does not make sense We don’t want any nuclear arms race, this will bring disaster for the region.Iran has other capabilities .Application of nuclear weapons is now diminished .This is absolutely contradictory to our religious teachings.
Q Is there any indications of a change in foreign policy?
We have to learn from the past ,During the dictatorial regime of Shah Iran was a backward country and through out the last thirty years Iran has been faced with many obstacles ,ups and downs now we have achieved many things .The last thirty years had been difficult We are not after creating new Persian Empire but we are definitely after helping other countries to achieve democracy.
Q How do you view stability in the regional context ?
Definitely a regional approach will help. Basically in today’s world the security is somehow related to regionalization .Without using regional or local players the cost of security will certainly go up .Besides regional forces know economic,cultural and political characteristics of the region better than anybody else Therefore nobody can deny the important role of engaging regional players like India ,Iran Afghanistan in establishing security and stability. Updated : Sunday, 26 Apr 2009, 11:45 [IST
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