The coming elections in Japan scheduled on 30th August promise to change altogether the economic and political landscape of the country and yet setting it on a varied future course.Poll surveys conducted by the Yomiuri Shimbun,Japan’s largest selling newspaper indicate 41 percent vote for the Democratic Party of Japan against 24 percent for the Liberal Democratic Party that has heitherto continuously governed the country since 1955 interrupted only by a spell of 10 months.
Liberal Democratic party currently led by Prime Minister Tara Aso is not viewed favourably by the voter particularly because of his long-term approaches in matters intended to allievate the plight of the people and also since during his party’s last years Japan suffered a prolonged economic stagnation running two decades followed by current recession.This has had a telling effect on the demographics and economic attitude of the Japanese population that turned thrifty and resorted to high saving attitude. Resultantly private savings soared extraordinarily while government debit to fund the spendings mounted alarmingly.As another adverse effect people started postponing marriages and restricting the size of families and now the country is beset with the problem of an ageing and shrinking population with bulk of population in the old age group of past 65 years and fewer people in the younger age group upto 15 years of age.This makes the prospect of economic recovery even more bleak .The world’s second largest economy of Japan therefore finds itself in dire straits.Japan’s utter dependence on other countries for economic performance obliges it to make huge contribution to the International Monetary Fund and dole out huge amounts in the shape of financial stimulus at International and domestic levels.
Tara Aso’s manifesto centres round proactively upholding the global financial and economic order as, according to him, Japan is heavily dependant on other countries for supply of food,resources and energy as well as for markets.He thus talks of a long-term approach “to find social security and low birth rate”after the economic situation improves.Such far off measures to be implemented in distant future do not carry conviction with the people who seem to be yearning for bold and short term innovative solutions.
Hatoyama leading the opposition party Democartic Party of Japan on the other hand pledges for lower corporate and gasoline taxes, raise child support and tuition aid as well as eliminate highway tolls. This spending may push up bond yields and the Yen.Barclays PIC and Morgan Stanley also subscribe to the concept of increased consumer spending “sustainably bolstering economic growth” that apparently inspires voters as reflected in poll surveys. The prospects of Democratic Party of Japan wining the elections have already created positive effects in the economy.
While DPJ stress on increasing welfare outlays may win over older voters who account for a fifth of population the voters are disenchanted by cabinet scandals and divisions within the Aso’s party that have already led to five straight defeats in local elections.
Updated : Thursday, 27 Aug 2009, 15:25 [IST]
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Mar 28, 2010
Afghans vote for president amid low turnout
Kabul: Afghans voted today to elect a president for only the second time in history as the government and the West acclaimed the ballot despite fears of poor turnout after a day of sporadic Taliban violence. The White House and NATO joined President Hamid Karzai -- who is bidding for another five years in office -- in saying that the war-weary Afghan people had defied threats of militant violence to exercise their democratic rights.
"The Afghan people dared rockets, bombs and intimidation and came out to vote," the Western-backed Karzai told a televised news conference as polling wound down, hailing a "day of pride and glory" for the country. Insurgents stormed the small northern town of Baghlan, sparking clashes that left up to 30 militants dead according to the governor, and officials said scattered unrest killed 26 civilians and security personnel. "Overall the security situation has been better than we feared. That is certainly the most positive aspect of these elections," the UN representative in Afghanistan, Kai Eide, told a news conference. "By exercising their constitutional right to vote, the Afghan people have demonstrated again their desire for stability and development in their country," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
Officials said it would be some days before they could determine how many of the 17 million registered voters had cast their ballots, but Interior Minister Hanif Atmar said the government was "satisfied" with turnout levels. Some independent observers feared turnout was low, however, especially in the south where the Taliban insurgency is at its bloodiest despite a US and NATO campaign to pacify the lawless nation. "Turnout (in Kandahar) is definitely very, very low, significantly lower than in the north," one Western diplomat told AFP, referring to the capital of the Taliban's 1996-2001 regime. "I have driven around the city (Kabul) and the situation is varying from time to time, but I have seen no queues and it is definitely very quiet, much quieter than in 2004," he added.
There was a turnout of about 70 per cent in the first direct presidential election five years ago. Since then, Western allies have pumped billions more into Afghanistan and deployed thousands more troops to contain the Taliban revolt. "Lots of people have defied threats of violence and terror to express their thoughts about the next government for the people of Afghanistan," President Barack Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs said. Gibbs said however that the United States would withhold judgement until the release of final results, which Afghanistan's election commission says will not come before next month. Afghans were electing a president and 420 councillors in 34 provinces across the country, where grinding poverty, rudimentary infrastructure, corruption, illiteracy and daily bloodshed remain the norm. Voting at some sites was extended beyond the scheduled close of 1130 GMT to accommodate people still lining up. Voters went through security checks before having a finger stamped in indelible ink to prevent repeat voting. NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen judged the elections a "success" and said early reports on turnout were "a clear demonstration that the Afghan people want democracy, they want freedom and reject terrorism."
Notable election-day clashes included the multi-pronged assault by Taliban militants in Baghlan and a two-hour shootout between insurgents and Afghan forces in Kabul that killed two militants. "I don't care about the Taliban and their threats. Who do they think they are? We have a government, police, army, the infrastructure of a functioning state. The Taliban are all talk," said 27-year-old Ramin after voting in Kabul. Karzai hopes to win an outright majority to avoid a run-off, but his nervous government ordered a blackout on reporting violence during polling day, threatening journalists with heavy penalties. An energetic campaign by ex-foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah, who has a northern powerbase and draws on ethnic Tajik support, has boosted the chance of a run-off, which would take place in around six weeks' time. Abdullah's office detailed 40 complaints of electoral irregularities, most of them alleging that officials were commanding people to vote for Karzai. The election authority said it was investigating complaints from candidates, including that the indelible ink could be easily scrubbed off. Western officials played down prospects for entirely free and fair elections given reports of vote-buying and Karzai's reliance on warlords, but said an estimated quarter of a million observers would guard against the worst abuses.
Updated : Friday, 21 Aug 2009, 10:40 [IST]
"The Afghan people dared rockets, bombs and intimidation and came out to vote," the Western-backed Karzai told a televised news conference as polling wound down, hailing a "day of pride and glory" for the country. Insurgents stormed the small northern town of Baghlan, sparking clashes that left up to 30 militants dead according to the governor, and officials said scattered unrest killed 26 civilians and security personnel. "Overall the security situation has been better than we feared. That is certainly the most positive aspect of these elections," the UN representative in Afghanistan, Kai Eide, told a news conference. "By exercising their constitutional right to vote, the Afghan people have demonstrated again their desire for stability and development in their country," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
Officials said it would be some days before they could determine how many of the 17 million registered voters had cast their ballots, but Interior Minister Hanif Atmar said the government was "satisfied" with turnout levels. Some independent observers feared turnout was low, however, especially in the south where the Taliban insurgency is at its bloodiest despite a US and NATO campaign to pacify the lawless nation. "Turnout (in Kandahar) is definitely very, very low, significantly lower than in the north," one Western diplomat told AFP, referring to the capital of the Taliban's 1996-2001 regime. "I have driven around the city (Kabul) and the situation is varying from time to time, but I have seen no queues and it is definitely very quiet, much quieter than in 2004," he added.
There was a turnout of about 70 per cent in the first direct presidential election five years ago. Since then, Western allies have pumped billions more into Afghanistan and deployed thousands more troops to contain the Taliban revolt. "Lots of people have defied threats of violence and terror to express their thoughts about the next government for the people of Afghanistan," President Barack Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs said. Gibbs said however that the United States would withhold judgement until the release of final results, which Afghanistan's election commission says will not come before next month. Afghans were electing a president and 420 councillors in 34 provinces across the country, where grinding poverty, rudimentary infrastructure, corruption, illiteracy and daily bloodshed remain the norm. Voting at some sites was extended beyond the scheduled close of 1130 GMT to accommodate people still lining up. Voters went through security checks before having a finger stamped in indelible ink to prevent repeat voting. NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen judged the elections a "success" and said early reports on turnout were "a clear demonstration that the Afghan people want democracy, they want freedom and reject terrorism."
Notable election-day clashes included the multi-pronged assault by Taliban militants in Baghlan and a two-hour shootout between insurgents and Afghan forces in Kabul that killed two militants. "I don't care about the Taliban and their threats. Who do they think they are? We have a government, police, army, the infrastructure of a functioning state. The Taliban are all talk," said 27-year-old Ramin after voting in Kabul. Karzai hopes to win an outright majority to avoid a run-off, but his nervous government ordered a blackout on reporting violence during polling day, threatening journalists with heavy penalties. An energetic campaign by ex-foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah, who has a northern powerbase and draws on ethnic Tajik support, has boosted the chance of a run-off, which would take place in around six weeks' time. Abdullah's office detailed 40 complaints of electoral irregularities, most of them alleging that officials were commanding people to vote for Karzai. The election authority said it was investigating complaints from candidates, including that the indelible ink could be easily scrubbed off. Western officials played down prospects for entirely free and fair elections given reports of vote-buying and Karzai's reliance on warlords, but said an estimated quarter of a million observers would guard against the worst abuses.
Updated : Friday, 21 Aug 2009, 10:40 [IST]
Regional impact of Afghanistan elections
US faces its severest test in the outcome of coming August 20 Presidential and Provincial councils elections in Afghanistan.The outcome of these elections will determine the success achieved by the Obama administration in giving the desired political shape to this country and whether the country will be able to surmount its internal divisive and ethnic forces and further rid itself of the menace of Taliban and al Qaeda combine that threatens major cities and economics across the world .In the process Afghanistan may avail the opportunity to establish itself as a grand old country with meaningful relevance to its neighbourhood in Central Asia, Mid-East and various countries in the SAARC region. Because only such a mandate of the Afghanis in these elections will befit its national pride and rid the country of a rather derogatory cliché of being a ‘fulcrum for power in the region’ though several powers that tried to gain power by occupying this country in recent years as well as in the nineteenth century (the British empire) failed miserably. These elections thus present the lofty prospects for Afghanistan to re-establish itself as a strong nation with meaningful relations with neighbouring countries in the Central Asian region as well as Iran, India ,Pakistan, China,Russia and the US ,enabling it land routes through Iran to the gulf region through Pakistan to the Arabian sea and through Caucasus to Eurasia and other European countries.
After assuming presidency, Obama thus seriously set out on a sustained course of all round diplomacy as well as strategic military action in the “Af-Pak” area. He offered to engage in direct diplomacy with Iran that could help stabilize this country and provide alternative land route connecting Afghanistan with the Persian gulf and the Arabian sea .Again Obama visited Moscow on July 7th engaging the Russians with major foreign policy initiatives and options and succeeded in securing a concession for American aircrafts to fly through Russian airspace for carrying troops and equipment to Afghanistan to deal with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda menace. President Obama said “America has a clear goal:to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan.We seek no bases,nor do we want to control these nations.Instead,we want to work with international partners,including Russia,to help Afghans and Pakistanis advance their own security and prosperity”. The routes previously used through the lawless tribal belt of Pakistan were proving to be counterproductive due to the complicity of tribal people in Taliban phenomenon on both sides of the Durrand line. This also brought home to the Kremlin the convergence of American and Russian interests in stabilizing the region of the central Asia. Similarly in the Swat valley area and adjoining districts in Pakistan where Taliban had almost wrested the control of major Pashtun territory and enforced sharia to morphe the said area into their stronghold that could later promote their interests in spreading further and ultimately overtake the state of Pakistan and later launch a world wide jehad. Obama administration successfully pressurized Pakistan to deploy its forces to exterminate the Taliban from the newly acquired areas as well as from other areas of NWFP where they had already spread their wings.
The latest visit of Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State to India was also aimed at harmonizing and substantially improving the relations between India and Pakistan and in ensuring a joint approach to the menace that threatened to take over the state of Pakistan with the set objective of starting jehad against India.This latest visit of the Secretary of State has obviously also sent meaningful and clear messages to the people of Afghanistan as well as the Taliban cadres that the insurgency there may be on its last legs.In view of this changing scenario talks are quietly and steadily progressing between moderate leaders of the Talibans and representatives of the Afghan and US governments aimed at reconciliation where moderate elements of the Taliban would have a stake in the outcome. Simultaneously US and NATO forces have substantially stepped up military action against active Taliban cadres to bring down the morale of less committed rural folk. According to some estimates, active and hard-line Taliban insurgents roughly number only around 15000 but are supported by a large grouping of rural Talibans supporters who provide assistance to the insurgency in the south and east of Afghanistan. It is this large grouping that is sought to be dissuaded after they sense the Taliban prospects to be bleak .
It may not be out of context to refer to the topography of the rugged mountains that provide scarce resources and thus drive the Pashtuns of the tribal belt to make random incursions beyond their borders whenever they sense slackness in security over there.When beaten back they retreat back into the mountains that provide shelter and defence.They owe tribal and sub tribal loyalties but equations between different tribes also change constantly.At times they emerge as huge militias in the shape of Talibans or any other form and launch major assaults .Resultantly hey possess sizable qualities of arms,ammunition and sorts of heavy armaments plundered from Soviets forces and provided by US during anti-Soviets operations as well as left behind or cornored from US and NATO forces during the current conflict started in the year 2001. Currently the Talibans harbour strong ambitions to seize and acquire nuclear assets of Pakistan in view of deteriorating conditions over there.This looks frightening. The region comprising Afghanistan and tribal belt of Pakistan is also home to narcotic and arms smuggling and human trafficking that also created havoc in the neighbourhood. Thanks to elimination of LTTE in Sri Lanka, peace process in Nepal that ended the Maoist activity in that country, recent vigorous approach in India to the Maoists in the “Red Corridor” that runs from Orissa to Nepal, the chains of arms smugglers may vanish wiping out criminal activity in this region.
With as much as 41 candidates contesting for the top slot of Presidency, the way these elections may impact the political climate of the country is yet not clear. But the observers say that the number of contestants will definitely shrink considerably with most of them withdrawing in favour of prominent persons just before the last date of election.And the image and personality effect of the remaining candidates may also help change the political climate . Karzai is widely considered the front runner in this campaign.Dr Abdullah Abdullah has emerged as another main contender for Presidency. He enjoys the backing of the largest opposition group, the National Front representing those that have moved away from the Nation’s reliance on warlords and other Mujahadeen leaders .He also promises to build Afghan institutions so that foreign troops could go home soon and has raised issues of curbing corruption, shifting the focus on grassroot development as well as seriously engaging towards reconciliation with Talibans .However in a recent development and a major blow to the National Front supporting Abdullah Abdullah,Karzai has nominated Marshal Fahim the founder member of national Front as his Vice President in the forthcoming elections that may enable him to get a good number of Tajik and Panjsheri votes. Further Hazara leader Karim Khalili has also been nominated as a Vice-President ensuring Hazara tribe support to Karzai.Other prominent contenders include former finance minister Ahmadzai,a former Afghan Defence Minister Shah Nawaz Tanaj and Mullah Abdul Salem Rocketi. Around 17 million Afghans voters who are mostly war-weary and have suffered enormously due to prolonged instability are expected to vote prudently as they seek employment and economic recovery .This electoral process taking place in the context of rapidly changing environments brought about by Obama administration with tacit understanding from Iran and Russia and India-Pakistan engagement may yet see the transformation of Afghanistan and the SAARC countries into a better region.
Updated : Friday, 31 Jul 2009, 15:27 [IST]
After assuming presidency, Obama thus seriously set out on a sustained course of all round diplomacy as well as strategic military action in the “Af-Pak” area. He offered to engage in direct diplomacy with Iran that could help stabilize this country and provide alternative land route connecting Afghanistan with the Persian gulf and the Arabian sea .Again Obama visited Moscow on July 7th engaging the Russians with major foreign policy initiatives and options and succeeded in securing a concession for American aircrafts to fly through Russian airspace for carrying troops and equipment to Afghanistan to deal with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda menace. President Obama said “America has a clear goal:to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan.We seek no bases,nor do we want to control these nations.Instead,we want to work with international partners,including Russia,to help Afghans and Pakistanis advance their own security and prosperity”. The routes previously used through the lawless tribal belt of Pakistan were proving to be counterproductive due to the complicity of tribal people in Taliban phenomenon on both sides of the Durrand line. This also brought home to the Kremlin the convergence of American and Russian interests in stabilizing the region of the central Asia. Similarly in the Swat valley area and adjoining districts in Pakistan where Taliban had almost wrested the control of major Pashtun territory and enforced sharia to morphe the said area into their stronghold that could later promote their interests in spreading further and ultimately overtake the state of Pakistan and later launch a world wide jehad. Obama administration successfully pressurized Pakistan to deploy its forces to exterminate the Taliban from the newly acquired areas as well as from other areas of NWFP where they had already spread their wings.
The latest visit of Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State to India was also aimed at harmonizing and substantially improving the relations between India and Pakistan and in ensuring a joint approach to the menace that threatened to take over the state of Pakistan with the set objective of starting jehad against India.This latest visit of the Secretary of State has obviously also sent meaningful and clear messages to the people of Afghanistan as well as the Taliban cadres that the insurgency there may be on its last legs.In view of this changing scenario talks are quietly and steadily progressing between moderate leaders of the Talibans and representatives of the Afghan and US governments aimed at reconciliation where moderate elements of the Taliban would have a stake in the outcome. Simultaneously US and NATO forces have substantially stepped up military action against active Taliban cadres to bring down the morale of less committed rural folk. According to some estimates, active and hard-line Taliban insurgents roughly number only around 15000 but are supported by a large grouping of rural Talibans supporters who provide assistance to the insurgency in the south and east of Afghanistan. It is this large grouping that is sought to be dissuaded after they sense the Taliban prospects to be bleak .
It may not be out of context to refer to the topography of the rugged mountains that provide scarce resources and thus drive the Pashtuns of the tribal belt to make random incursions beyond their borders whenever they sense slackness in security over there.When beaten back they retreat back into the mountains that provide shelter and defence.They owe tribal and sub tribal loyalties but equations between different tribes also change constantly.At times they emerge as huge militias in the shape of Talibans or any other form and launch major assaults .Resultantly hey possess sizable qualities of arms,ammunition and sorts of heavy armaments plundered from Soviets forces and provided by US during anti-Soviets operations as well as left behind or cornored from US and NATO forces during the current conflict started in the year 2001. Currently the Talibans harbour strong ambitions to seize and acquire nuclear assets of Pakistan in view of deteriorating conditions over there.This looks frightening. The region comprising Afghanistan and tribal belt of Pakistan is also home to narcotic and arms smuggling and human trafficking that also created havoc in the neighbourhood. Thanks to elimination of LTTE in Sri Lanka, peace process in Nepal that ended the Maoist activity in that country, recent vigorous approach in India to the Maoists in the “Red Corridor” that runs from Orissa to Nepal, the chains of arms smugglers may vanish wiping out criminal activity in this region.
With as much as 41 candidates contesting for the top slot of Presidency, the way these elections may impact the political climate of the country is yet not clear. But the observers say that the number of contestants will definitely shrink considerably with most of them withdrawing in favour of prominent persons just before the last date of election.And the image and personality effect of the remaining candidates may also help change the political climate . Karzai is widely considered the front runner in this campaign.Dr Abdullah Abdullah has emerged as another main contender for Presidency. He enjoys the backing of the largest opposition group, the National Front representing those that have moved away from the Nation’s reliance on warlords and other Mujahadeen leaders .He also promises to build Afghan institutions so that foreign troops could go home soon and has raised issues of curbing corruption, shifting the focus on grassroot development as well as seriously engaging towards reconciliation with Talibans .However in a recent development and a major blow to the National Front supporting Abdullah Abdullah,Karzai has nominated Marshal Fahim the founder member of national Front as his Vice President in the forthcoming elections that may enable him to get a good number of Tajik and Panjsheri votes. Further Hazara leader Karim Khalili has also been nominated as a Vice-President ensuring Hazara tribe support to Karzai.Other prominent contenders include former finance minister Ahmadzai,a former Afghan Defence Minister Shah Nawaz Tanaj and Mullah Abdul Salem Rocketi. Around 17 million Afghans voters who are mostly war-weary and have suffered enormously due to prolonged instability are expected to vote prudently as they seek employment and economic recovery .This electoral process taking place in the context of rapidly changing environments brought about by Obama administration with tacit understanding from Iran and Russia and India-Pakistan engagement may yet see the transformation of Afghanistan and the SAARC countries into a better region.
Updated : Friday, 31 Jul 2009, 15:27 [IST]
Iran validates its presidential election
As Iran’s highest electoral authority ,the Guardian Council ,on June 30,2009 validated the “Vote” for the country’s Presidential election with its spokesman Abbas Ali Kadkhodai emphatically declaring “From today the file on the presidential election has been closed",the verdict draws a final curtain over the recent happenings in Iran .This proclamation followed after a “randomly selecting and recounting of 10 percent of nearly 40 million ballots”. Recalling the special features and aspects of this particular election that eventually led to the mistaken notions of massive electoral support in the minds of the defeated candidates and their supporters,days ahead of these elections, groups of youngsters started staging dance shows on the streets of Tehran to build support for their respective candidates. These images were soon picked up and flashed across various websites. Bloggers further enhanced the media hype.The atmosphere was considerably romanticized and one of the candidate Mir Hussein Moussavi even carried on his canvassing for votes accompanied by his wife. But as the opposition candidates stood defeated in the results of the election, the youngsters and supporters of various defeated candidates began organizing protest rallies .According to authorities these youngsters indulged in violence at some places but the foreign media deliberately showed it as a stand off between the protestors and the security forces thereby further enraging the public .Iran authorities allege that foreign media and some foreign elements thereafter exploited the situation to create lawlessness. “Suspicious” death of a young Iranian women Neda Agha-Soltan made her an icon of the opposition protests. Ahmadinejad has, however, sent a letter to the judiciary chief Ayotollah Hashmi Shahroudi for a probe into this death and identify “the elements” behind her killing.Nine local employees of the British embassy were arrested to investigate the suspected role of British embassy staff but five of them were later let off.The results of detailed investigations by Iran’s authorities can only clarify the extent of role by foreign elements in these happenings . The West has already been showing a somewhat hostile attitude towards Iran and particularly towards Ahmadinejad being a known hardliner .Mac Cain the Republican rival of Obama in the recent presidential elections thus openly accused him of missing the opportunity of putting Iran in a tight corner over this issue.The aim was obviously to hit at the national pride of Iran .Though Obama whose diplomatic challenges already extend from Iraq, Afghanistan to Af-Pak area and Palestinian issue was treading very cautiously necessitated by delicate handling of situation in the area but the Iranian authorities allege that he did later fall into the trap in a press conference. Iran’s predicament lies in carrying out the developmental efforts in the face of economic sanctions and a hostile “foreign” media while Obama has to display the skills of bringing about improvement and amicable relations among various countries in the mid-east
Updated : Thursday, 30 Jul 2009, 16:03 [IST]
Updated : Thursday, 30 Jul 2009, 16:03 [IST]
Pakistan's inadequate response
As Pakistan turns a blind eye to the Taliban threat that seriously endangers its security and also wrests control over SWAT valley and adjoining districts of Bunner,Shangla and Dir,the concerns of US and the west grow manifold and assume still greater proportions.More so since this menace also effects them gravely as Al-Qaeda,talibans and other terrorists outfits have been carrying out disruptive activities in major cities across the world to strike fear and derail world economies.
With Talibans advancing even within 100 KM of Pakistani capital of Islamabad,the resistance shown by police and paramilitary forces of Pakistan appeared only minimal.And that also not until Obama diplomatically referred to the possibility of involving Nawaz Sharif and the army chief for better results and even hold a trilateral summit of the Presidents of US,Afghanistan and Pakistan in Washington that an aerial offensive with troops deployment on a proper scale was undertaken to flush out the terrorists after civilian population shifted to different places. Taliban menace in Pakistan broadly emanate from the tribal belt located in the FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Area) which though located in the territorial jurisdiction of Pakistan functions outside its administrative control through different agencies.This tribal pashtun population owes narrow tribal and sub-tribal loyalties that may change overnight.They live in a society of gun culture with high instances of kidnapping and hijacking. Alongwith Afghanistan,this area is also home to trafficking in narcotics and arms.These areas are therefore nourished for irregular militias that can be used for waging proxy wars.ISI and some elements in the pak army wield influence over these militias .Naturally terrorist outfits are sponsored that have been spreading violence in India and around in Sri Lanka,Bangladesh and Nepal.To quote an instance after 26/11 terrorist strike in Mumbai,Talibans declared unequivocally to invade India alongwith Pak army in case of war as part of jihad.To overcome this complex menace,creating tough regional environment by involving India,Iran,Russia,China and US are necessary to steadily curb this menace.
The instant Taliban activity in Pakistan is taking place under a set objective that can be analyzed as under:
First,Talibans wresting control of additional Pashtun territory is attributed to their desire of rapidly increasing pashtun area under their operation.
Second,by imposing their own brand of sharai laws they intend to so morph the society as to sufficiently hinder and impede action to dislodge them.
Third,since nuclear assets of Pakistan are implicitly located in the proximity of this area,a morphed society will eventually facilitate such assets falling into their hands.
Fourth,the terrorists are now also shifting their area of operation in the gulf of Aden and in the vicinity of somalian shores where piracy is rampant that make the matters more complicated and an immediate action even more urgent.
This also explains why Pakistan repeatedly prefers the pretence of obsession with India as a threat to its security than its existential internal threat from Taliban ignoring even the sound counsel from US and the Wet.India in the meanwhile has no choice but to be prepared for the ultimate eventuality
Updated : Sunday, 10 May 2009, 15:57 [IST]
With Talibans advancing even within 100 KM of Pakistani capital of Islamabad,the resistance shown by police and paramilitary forces of Pakistan appeared only minimal.And that also not until Obama diplomatically referred to the possibility of involving Nawaz Sharif and the army chief for better results and even hold a trilateral summit of the Presidents of US,Afghanistan and Pakistan in Washington that an aerial offensive with troops deployment on a proper scale was undertaken to flush out the terrorists after civilian population shifted to different places. Taliban menace in Pakistan broadly emanate from the tribal belt located in the FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Area) which though located in the territorial jurisdiction of Pakistan functions outside its administrative control through different agencies.This tribal pashtun population owes narrow tribal and sub-tribal loyalties that may change overnight.They live in a society of gun culture with high instances of kidnapping and hijacking. Alongwith Afghanistan,this area is also home to trafficking in narcotics and arms.These areas are therefore nourished for irregular militias that can be used for waging proxy wars.ISI and some elements in the pak army wield influence over these militias .Naturally terrorist outfits are sponsored that have been spreading violence in India and around in Sri Lanka,Bangladesh and Nepal.To quote an instance after 26/11 terrorist strike in Mumbai,Talibans declared unequivocally to invade India alongwith Pak army in case of war as part of jihad.To overcome this complex menace,creating tough regional environment by involving India,Iran,Russia,China and US are necessary to steadily curb this menace.
The instant Taliban activity in Pakistan is taking place under a set objective that can be analyzed as under:
First,Talibans wresting control of additional Pashtun territory is attributed to their desire of rapidly increasing pashtun area under their operation.
Second,by imposing their own brand of sharai laws they intend to so morph the society as to sufficiently hinder and impede action to dislodge them.
Third,since nuclear assets of Pakistan are implicitly located in the proximity of this area,a morphed society will eventually facilitate such assets falling into their hands.
Fourth,the terrorists are now also shifting their area of operation in the gulf of Aden and in the vicinity of somalian shores where piracy is rampant that make the matters more complicated and an immediate action even more urgent.
This also explains why Pakistan repeatedly prefers the pretence of obsession with India as a threat to its security than its existential internal threat from Taliban ignoring even the sound counsel from US and the Wet.India in the meanwhile has no choice but to be prepared for the ultimate eventuality
Updated : Sunday, 10 May 2009, 15:57 [IST]
Asia's emerging role: Hideaki Domichi
With Japan,India and China destined to contribute significantly as centre of growth in these days of severe global recession,stage is also set for these countries to play a world leadership role which could also harmonise their relations and strategic concerns. H.E. Hideaki Domichi, Ambassador of Japan to India in an exclusive interview to Arti Bali speaks of Japan favouring India’s permanent seat in UNSC and its proper representation in various UN bodies and other institutions .
. Q Will Japan support for India’s permanent seat in UN?.
A Certainly we have teamed up India, Japan, Germany and Brazil-to push forward for reform of UN and UNSC. I think that India is recognized by the international community to play bigger role globally both in terms of economy and policies. We are in agreement with India that there ought to be UN reforms to make it more workable to address the various issues the world is faced with..
. Q India is a huge market with strong fundamentals and sound business traditions. How do you see the scope of an enhanced Japan’s investment and cooperation in this country? ..
A We recognize India as a huge and potential market. In fact Japanese Direct Investment into India has grown rapidly in recent years. The investment from Japan has tripled in the year 2007. Despite economic slowdown, Japanese believe that Indian market will remain unaffected. As India soon emerges as one of the biggest economies, they believe that India offers great potential and opportunities to the Japanese companies. ..
. .
Q How about scientific and technological collaboration between India and Japan to check climate change in same sort? ..
. A There is lots of interests from Indian business in Japanese environmental technologies, for instance solar energies or super critical technologies for power stations. We are also trying to introduce energy efficient technologies and promote research to convert Indian coal to a more environmentally friendly energy source. .
. . Q How do you view N Korea’s recent missile launch, especially in terms of military balance in the Pacific region? ..
A North Korea Missile launch was a clear violation of the UN Security Council’s resolution 1696 and 1718, which stipulate that DPRK shall suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program. The missile launch was also a threat to Japan as its trajectory was intended to be over the territory of Japan. Therefore we have deployed the missile defense system in case of the failure of the launch in cooperation with US. Any upgrading of these missile technologies by DPRK can also be a threat to other countries. Therefore after the missile launch, UNSC agreed to condemn the launch and called the DPRK to observe the successive resolutions. We also want the DPRK to return to the six-party talks and relinquish any nuclear or missile related programme. ..
. Q China has initiated a move aimed at replacing the role of dollar as an international currency as manifested in SDR (Special Drawing Rights) and also seeking alternative baskets of currencies ultimately aimed at replacing dollar. What is your response in this regard? ..
. A You may remember the recent G-20 summit in London where they agreed to create the SDR of $250 billion in order to increase the international liquidity. Out of this $250 billion, $100 billion will be distributed to the emerging economy as well as developing countries. But this does not mean SDR will replace dollar, because any allocation of SDR to a specific country can be made through arrangements to borrow the dollar reserve from a country that has accumulated the foreign exchange particularly in dollars. The SDR in our view cannot replace dollar as a means of international settlement. ..
. Q Do you view any concerns about the expanded role sought by China in ADB, IMF and the World Bank and other institutional bodies? .
A In the G20 summit, it was agreed to increase the voices as well as the representations of the emerging economies. In ADB there will be 200% general capital increase. In IMF probably the quota will be reviewed by 2011.Therefore under the broad agreement we expect China as well as India to press for increased representations in those international Organizations. This is subject to negotiations and we expect very serious and hard negotiations ahead. .
Q What is present thinking about the revision of your constitution given the changing military balance in the region? .
A Well, a law has been passed recently to specify the procedures to amend our constitution but this does not mean that Japan is changing its constitution, particularly on the clauses which we call Art -9 that Japan relinquishes the use of force as a means of settlement of international disputes. . .
Q There is rising piracy near the Somalian Coast, What is Japan’s response to this menace? .
. A This is a serious issue. We know that the ships going through this area have been attacked and the crew have been taken as hostages and huge ransom money is demanded. The Japanese ships are also being targeted. We have sent two destroyers to the area concerned and will soon add a surveillance aircraft to cover the wider area .This is the vast area of the seas so it is not easy to detect the piracy and take measures. A bill is now being presented to our parliament to legally authorize our Defense Forces to be deployed in that area and make our operations more effective. ..
. Q How will Japan support India in NSG? ..
A US-India civil nuclear deal was endorsed by IAEA and NSG and as a member of these institutions, we supported the decision but this is an exception due to India’s unique position. It was because India’s commitment for non-proliferation as well as necessity of expansion of role of civil nuclear facility facing increasing demands of electricity and environmental problems. It was a clear exception of NPT. We recognize the nuclear deal with US is at the stages of operationalisation. In order to make this a reality there are some steps that India ought to take i.e. separation of military and civilian facilities. India has to present this to IAEA. Therefore I think the progress will be made on those measures that India has committed to. Also there is an interest whether nuclear liability law will pass the parliament after the general election. ..
Q How do you visualize China’s rise as economic power? ..
A I believe in a decade or so China will become global economic power, in the meantime we expect India will become large economy as well. As you know India’s economy is as large as economy of the whole ASEAN countries already .In Asia we have three biggest economies India, Japan and China. ..
Q Do you approve the economic integration of India, China and Japan? ..
A Here in India, we often hear the argument about China’s role. However, it seems to me that the area for cooperation is also expanding as both India and China need each other and for their co-prosperity. The creation of Asian order that can allow the co-prosperity to exist could be the best scenario. When it comes to individual issues we see differences and even seeds of conflict. It depends on how the leaderships can manage it. Integration of economies will generally serve to alleviate any potential conflict. ..
Q. You mean to say that integration of economy will serve the purpose of addressing security concerns? ..
A Not automatically, talking about the security, one has to consider the worst. That is the mentality of the security arrangements. Confidence Building measures are sometimes required. On the other hand, the more economic integration progress which involves the movement of the people, the more difficult will it be for a country to escalate conflict. ..
. Q. In comparison to President Bush, President Obama has adopted the re engagement policy in South Asia, What are your views? ..
A We support the initiatives taken by the new President of the United States. Although we may not be able to expect a quick result, the will of engagement by the United States can make it easier for other countries to follow the step. . Updated : Tuesday, 05 May 2009, 14:31
. Q Will Japan support for India’s permanent seat in UN?.
A Certainly we have teamed up India, Japan, Germany and Brazil-to push forward for reform of UN and UNSC. I think that India is recognized by the international community to play bigger role globally both in terms of economy and policies. We are in agreement with India that there ought to be UN reforms to make it more workable to address the various issues the world is faced with..
. Q India is a huge market with strong fundamentals and sound business traditions. How do you see the scope of an enhanced Japan’s investment and cooperation in this country? ..
A We recognize India as a huge and potential market. In fact Japanese Direct Investment into India has grown rapidly in recent years. The investment from Japan has tripled in the year 2007. Despite economic slowdown, Japanese believe that Indian market will remain unaffected. As India soon emerges as one of the biggest economies, they believe that India offers great potential and opportunities to the Japanese companies. ..
. .
Q How about scientific and technological collaboration between India and Japan to check climate change in same sort? ..
. A There is lots of interests from Indian business in Japanese environmental technologies, for instance solar energies or super critical technologies for power stations. We are also trying to introduce energy efficient technologies and promote research to convert Indian coal to a more environmentally friendly energy source. .
. . Q How do you view N Korea’s recent missile launch, especially in terms of military balance in the Pacific region? ..
A North Korea Missile launch was a clear violation of the UN Security Council’s resolution 1696 and 1718, which stipulate that DPRK shall suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program. The missile launch was also a threat to Japan as its trajectory was intended to be over the territory of Japan. Therefore we have deployed the missile defense system in case of the failure of the launch in cooperation with US. Any upgrading of these missile technologies by DPRK can also be a threat to other countries. Therefore after the missile launch, UNSC agreed to condemn the launch and called the DPRK to observe the successive resolutions. We also want the DPRK to return to the six-party talks and relinquish any nuclear or missile related programme. ..
. Q China has initiated a move aimed at replacing the role of dollar as an international currency as manifested in SDR (Special Drawing Rights) and also seeking alternative baskets of currencies ultimately aimed at replacing dollar. What is your response in this regard? ..
. A You may remember the recent G-20 summit in London where they agreed to create the SDR of $250 billion in order to increase the international liquidity. Out of this $250 billion, $100 billion will be distributed to the emerging economy as well as developing countries. But this does not mean SDR will replace dollar, because any allocation of SDR to a specific country can be made through arrangements to borrow the dollar reserve from a country that has accumulated the foreign exchange particularly in dollars. The SDR in our view cannot replace dollar as a means of international settlement. ..
. Q Do you view any concerns about the expanded role sought by China in ADB, IMF and the World Bank and other institutional bodies? .
A In the G20 summit, it was agreed to increase the voices as well as the representations of the emerging economies. In ADB there will be 200% general capital increase. In IMF probably the quota will be reviewed by 2011.Therefore under the broad agreement we expect China as well as India to press for increased representations in those international Organizations. This is subject to negotiations and we expect very serious and hard negotiations ahead. .
Q What is present thinking about the revision of your constitution given the changing military balance in the region? .
A Well, a law has been passed recently to specify the procedures to amend our constitution but this does not mean that Japan is changing its constitution, particularly on the clauses which we call Art -9 that Japan relinquishes the use of force as a means of settlement of international disputes. . .
Q There is rising piracy near the Somalian Coast, What is Japan’s response to this menace? .
. A This is a serious issue. We know that the ships going through this area have been attacked and the crew have been taken as hostages and huge ransom money is demanded. The Japanese ships are also being targeted. We have sent two destroyers to the area concerned and will soon add a surveillance aircraft to cover the wider area .This is the vast area of the seas so it is not easy to detect the piracy and take measures. A bill is now being presented to our parliament to legally authorize our Defense Forces to be deployed in that area and make our operations more effective. ..
. Q How will Japan support India in NSG? ..
A US-India civil nuclear deal was endorsed by IAEA and NSG and as a member of these institutions, we supported the decision but this is an exception due to India’s unique position. It was because India’s commitment for non-proliferation as well as necessity of expansion of role of civil nuclear facility facing increasing demands of electricity and environmental problems. It was a clear exception of NPT. We recognize the nuclear deal with US is at the stages of operationalisation. In order to make this a reality there are some steps that India ought to take i.e. separation of military and civilian facilities. India has to present this to IAEA. Therefore I think the progress will be made on those measures that India has committed to. Also there is an interest whether nuclear liability law will pass the parliament after the general election. ..
Q How do you visualize China’s rise as economic power? ..
A I believe in a decade or so China will become global economic power, in the meantime we expect India will become large economy as well. As you know India’s economy is as large as economy of the whole ASEAN countries already .In Asia we have three biggest economies India, Japan and China. ..
Q Do you approve the economic integration of India, China and Japan? ..
A Here in India, we often hear the argument about China’s role. However, it seems to me that the area for cooperation is also expanding as both India and China need each other and for their co-prosperity. The creation of Asian order that can allow the co-prosperity to exist could be the best scenario. When it comes to individual issues we see differences and even seeds of conflict. It depends on how the leaderships can manage it. Integration of economies will generally serve to alleviate any potential conflict. ..
Q. You mean to say that integration of economy will serve the purpose of addressing security concerns? ..
A Not automatically, talking about the security, one has to consider the worst. That is the mentality of the security arrangements. Confidence Building measures are sometimes required. On the other hand, the more economic integration progress which involves the movement of the people, the more difficult will it be for a country to escalate conflict. ..
. Q. In comparison to President Bush, President Obama has adopted the re engagement policy in South Asia, What are your views? ..
A We support the initiatives taken by the new President of the United States. Although we may not be able to expect a quick result, the will of engagement by the United States can make it easier for other countries to follow the step. . Updated : Tuesday, 05 May 2009, 14:31
The strategic issues in Iran
With Iranian Presidential elections approaching in June 2009 and US seeking ‘Direct diplomacy’ with Iran over nuclear enrichment programme various issues are engaging public mind in the country. Iranian Parliament (Majlis) Speaker H.E.ALI LARIJANI speaks to ARTI BALI in Tehran about the vision of parliament, its structure of decision making and strategic issues
.. Excerpts of Interview
QWhat is the vision of your Parliament?
Ans We have made certain priorities based on our vision in economic,political and diplomatic areas . First ,Iranian Parliament is an absolute independent body .This branch has connections and relationships with other branches of the country but for decision making it enjoys an absolute independent mechanism .Secondly the Parliament pays special attention to economics We have an outlook macro plan for the country that guides us and parliament enacts the laws and regulations that facilitate the fulfillment of this plan .this involves huge volume of the activity.We need new laws to be ratified .And also new positions and relations need to be defined As regards to diplomacy we have defined a specific path that is Parliamentary diplomacy that actually serve as a catalyst for the fulfillment of the policies of the country.
Q What about the decision making structure in Iran?
Ans The most strategic issues are decided by the supreme leader.Others issues fall under the duties and responsibilities of other branches of the country. The Supreme leader does not interfere with the affairs of executive and legislative branch.The government is directly responsible for inflation.The strategic decisions are made by Supreme Leader with regards to advanced technologies like nuclear issue,nano technology and bio technology .
Q You are in favour of changing some laws What are those?
Q. Do you think Barack Obama will recognize Iran’s right of enriching Urnaium?
Ans We don’t need the US seal of approval to go ahead with our peaceful nuclear enrichment programme .We definitely move along with a international norms,systems and organizations. If a country is moving within a framework of IAEA and actually conforms to its regulations ,but then, there is another country that denies this country’s right,then it is that country that needs to be responsible and has to answer..
This too is a part of a policy of denying Iran and its revolution that the US has been following but we are well passed that stage.The international conditions and situations right now do not accept such an adventurism. All countries must respect all the international norms and regulations.
Q .What are the conditions for opening dialogue with US, any positive signals from your side ?
Ans We don’t want to go into negotiations without any preparations .Negotiations are like a tool . In politics one is not supposed to give charming and attractive speeches to the media. We do need to see a change in behaviour and they need to have proper understanding of the situation and the region and they have to understand what were the factors that led to the crisis of the region. The Americans have suppressed Iranians throughout the various decades. Because of US, a dictatorial regime was imposed on Iranian Nation for 50 years. America has to be held accountable and responsible for all those causes. As the Islamic revolution was going to be fruitful or victorious ,the Americans sent an another general Hezar in order to stage another crusader.
Thanks to the resourcefulness and great wisdom of Imam Khomeini the late founder of Islam Revolution this was prevented.Even after the Islamic revolution, war was imposed on Iran by Saddam Hussein, US stood along Saddam Hussein and supported him .The Iranian had to pay numerous costs during the eight year imposed war .25000 Iranians were martyred. With regards to the nuclear issue I want to say that the Americans have always approached this issue with adventurism and militancy.As soon as the Islamic revolution became victorious they revoked all the contracts and agreements they had signed with Iran to develop a nuclear programme with Iran.The behaviour of US in other countries like Afghanistan Lebanon,,Palestine and Iraq have always been based on adventurism and militancy .The problem of the region cannot be solved by changing the rhetoric and voice .There needs to be change in behaviour .The Americans have to understand that they have to play a game of chess and not boxing.
Q How do you look at US new strategy of stabilizing Afghanistan?
Ans Afghanistan has the longest story .It has been crusaded numerous times . Probably when Americans occupied Afghanistan in 2001 they did it for some objectives like combating narcotics, illegal drugs,combating terrorism and to capture the main leaders of terrorist groups .Now after 8 years you can very well make out how many objectives they have achieved .In 2001 the production of narcotics was 200 tons and in 2008 its about 8000 tons.This gives a new definition to combating narcotics and another bigger fiasco is combating terrorism.Everyday NATO opens the window and screams that we are against terrorism, we would like to eradicate terrorists but behind the scenes they hold talks and negotiations with the leaders of terrorists groups.These days NATO forces are discussing a new topic i.e. good terrorists versus bad terrorists. The problems in the region originated from such double standards adopted by US .
India and Pakistan have access and produced nuclear weapons but the US has no problem with either of them.It cooperates with them but when it comes to Iran nuclear dossier or nuclear weapons they say we do know that Iran doesn’t have any nuclear bomb .They are adventurous .Of course we have no problem with India or Pakistan we are friends I was giving you an example of double standards by US . Uptill now no leaders of the terrorists groups have been captured by US.These double standards has created more destruction of Afghanistan rather than development. The issue of Afghanistan security is important to us .We will make every effort to help Afghanistan to deal with this security issue.
Q Do you have any intentions of entering the arms race?
Ans No it does not make sense We don’t want any nuclear arms race, this will bring disaster for the region.Iran has other capabilities .Application of nuclear weapons is now diminished .This is absolutely contradictory to our religious teachings.
Q Is there any indications of a change in foreign policy?
We have to learn from the past ,During the dictatorial regime of Shah Iran was a backward country and through out the last thirty years Iran has been faced with many obstacles ,ups and downs now we have achieved many things .The last thirty years had been difficult We are not after creating new Persian Empire but we are definitely after helping other countries to achieve democracy.
Q How do you view stability in the regional context ?
Definitely a regional approach will help. Basically in today’s world the security is somehow related to regionalization .Without using regional or local players the cost of security will certainly go up .Besides regional forces know economic,cultural and political characteristics of the region better than anybody else Therefore nobody can deny the important role of engaging regional players like India ,Iran Afghanistan in establishing security and stability. Updated : Sunday, 26 Apr 2009, 11:45 [IST
.. Excerpts of Interview
QWhat is the vision of your Parliament?
Ans We have made certain priorities based on our vision in economic,political and diplomatic areas . First ,Iranian Parliament is an absolute independent body .This branch has connections and relationships with other branches of the country but for decision making it enjoys an absolute independent mechanism .Secondly the Parliament pays special attention to economics We have an outlook macro plan for the country that guides us and parliament enacts the laws and regulations that facilitate the fulfillment of this plan .this involves huge volume of the activity.We need new laws to be ratified .And also new positions and relations need to be defined As regards to diplomacy we have defined a specific path that is Parliamentary diplomacy that actually serve as a catalyst for the fulfillment of the policies of the country.
Q What about the decision making structure in Iran?
Ans The most strategic issues are decided by the supreme leader.Others issues fall under the duties and responsibilities of other branches of the country. The Supreme leader does not interfere with the affairs of executive and legislative branch.The government is directly responsible for inflation.The strategic decisions are made by Supreme Leader with regards to advanced technologies like nuclear issue,nano technology and bio technology .
Q You are in favour of changing some laws What are those?
Q. Do you think Barack Obama will recognize Iran’s right of enriching Urnaium?
Ans We don’t need the US seal of approval to go ahead with our peaceful nuclear enrichment programme .We definitely move along with a international norms,systems and organizations. If a country is moving within a framework of IAEA and actually conforms to its regulations ,but then, there is another country that denies this country’s right,then it is that country that needs to be responsible and has to answer..
This too is a part of a policy of denying Iran and its revolution that the US has been following but we are well passed that stage.The international conditions and situations right now do not accept such an adventurism. All countries must respect all the international norms and regulations.
Q .What are the conditions for opening dialogue with US, any positive signals from your side ?
Ans We don’t want to go into negotiations without any preparations .Negotiations are like a tool . In politics one is not supposed to give charming and attractive speeches to the media. We do need to see a change in behaviour and they need to have proper understanding of the situation and the region and they have to understand what were the factors that led to the crisis of the region. The Americans have suppressed Iranians throughout the various decades. Because of US, a dictatorial regime was imposed on Iranian Nation for 50 years. America has to be held accountable and responsible for all those causes. As the Islamic revolution was going to be fruitful or victorious ,the Americans sent an another general Hezar in order to stage another crusader.
Thanks to the resourcefulness and great wisdom of Imam Khomeini the late founder of Islam Revolution this was prevented.Even after the Islamic revolution, war was imposed on Iran by Saddam Hussein, US stood along Saddam Hussein and supported him .The Iranian had to pay numerous costs during the eight year imposed war .25000 Iranians were martyred. With regards to the nuclear issue I want to say that the Americans have always approached this issue with adventurism and militancy.As soon as the Islamic revolution became victorious they revoked all the contracts and agreements they had signed with Iran to develop a nuclear programme with Iran.The behaviour of US in other countries like Afghanistan Lebanon,,Palestine and Iraq have always been based on adventurism and militancy .The problem of the region cannot be solved by changing the rhetoric and voice .There needs to be change in behaviour .The Americans have to understand that they have to play a game of chess and not boxing.
Q How do you look at US new strategy of stabilizing Afghanistan?
Ans Afghanistan has the longest story .It has been crusaded numerous times . Probably when Americans occupied Afghanistan in 2001 they did it for some objectives like combating narcotics, illegal drugs,combating terrorism and to capture the main leaders of terrorist groups .Now after 8 years you can very well make out how many objectives they have achieved .In 2001 the production of narcotics was 200 tons and in 2008 its about 8000 tons.This gives a new definition to combating narcotics and another bigger fiasco is combating terrorism.Everyday NATO opens the window and screams that we are against terrorism, we would like to eradicate terrorists but behind the scenes they hold talks and negotiations with the leaders of terrorists groups.These days NATO forces are discussing a new topic i.e. good terrorists versus bad terrorists. The problems in the region originated from such double standards adopted by US .
India and Pakistan have access and produced nuclear weapons but the US has no problem with either of them.It cooperates with them but when it comes to Iran nuclear dossier or nuclear weapons they say we do know that Iran doesn’t have any nuclear bomb .They are adventurous .Of course we have no problem with India or Pakistan we are friends I was giving you an example of double standards by US . Uptill now no leaders of the terrorists groups have been captured by US.These double standards has created more destruction of Afghanistan rather than development. The issue of Afghanistan security is important to us .We will make every effort to help Afghanistan to deal with this security issue.
Q Do you have any intentions of entering the arms race?
Ans No it does not make sense We don’t want any nuclear arms race, this will bring disaster for the region.Iran has other capabilities .Application of nuclear weapons is now diminished .This is absolutely contradictory to our religious teachings.
Q Is there any indications of a change in foreign policy?
We have to learn from the past ,During the dictatorial regime of Shah Iran was a backward country and through out the last thirty years Iran has been faced with many obstacles ,ups and downs now we have achieved many things .The last thirty years had been difficult We are not after creating new Persian Empire but we are definitely after helping other countries to achieve democracy.
Q How do you view stability in the regional context ?
Definitely a regional approach will help. Basically in today’s world the security is somehow related to regionalization .Without using regional or local players the cost of security will certainly go up .Besides regional forces know economic,cultural and political characteristics of the region better than anybody else Therefore nobody can deny the important role of engaging regional players like India ,Iran Afghanistan in establishing security and stability. Updated : Sunday, 26 Apr 2009, 11:45 [IST
Media role in Indo-Pakistan relations
ARTI BALI: Foundation of Media Professionals organizing a panel on “Is Media Jingoism fanning India-Pakistan tensions” attended by Pakistani and Indian personalities from various fields did a timely service to the cause of this region comprising the sub-continent. The journalists were unanimously of the view that any jingoistic media coverage that tends to unduly highlight the dark spots with regard to internal security/stability of either of the countries is actually fanning tensions in their relations when the international community is seriously engaged in eradicating Taliban menace in Afghanistan-Pakistan region. Especially since after the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack emanating from Pakistani soil,the relations between the two countries continue to be acutely tense.Starting with Pakistan’s denial of any involvement by its national,even after one terrorist Ajmal Kasab captured in the operations by the NSG at the Taj Hotel explicitly admitted to be Pakistani national giving full details regarding his place of birth and parentage. The flip-flop approach adopted by Pakistan authorities that hindered investigations and remedial action at their end later snow-balled in an inappropriate media coverage that sometimes degenerated into jingoistic flashes showing the country in pitiable conditions under Taliban onslaughts.Now the country is being repeatedly described as surrendering Swat valley to Sharia law while Pakistan authorities vehemently claiming the pact to be of a tactical nature to stem the tide of aggravating Taliban type violence. Repeatedly highlighting this predicament of Pakistani administration actually serves the cause of Taliban type outfits by showing them on the wining side. Now the electronic media intent on enhancing their TRPs repeatedly flashes such images with horror music and catchy and unnerving comments.Though being in race with rival media channels,such irresponsible coverage tends to jeopardize regional interests . Furthermore, strategic analysis by the US war officials engaged in dealing with Afghanistan-Pakistan region show a grim picture of the whole situation hinting that Pakistan may even disintegrate and cease to exist within a span of six months unless Pakistan authorities and army deal with Taliban’s in a meaningful way.Now such matters ought to be covered in a sober and sensible manner.
Celebrations of the 30th Anniversary of Islamic Revolution of Iran
Published: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 , Tehran
The 10- day long celebration in commemoration of the 30 Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran that began on 1st February has drawn to a close on 10th February 2009. Millions of Iranians across the country took to streets to celebrate 30 years of independence and Islamic governance . In February 1979, Islamic Revolution gained victory as the Leader of the popular movement, Imam Khomeini, arrived in Tehran after the US-backed dictator Shah had left the country . Imam Khomeini proclaimed the Islamic Republic of Iran on April 1,1979.
The celebration started on 1st February with a helicopter showering flowers on the tomb of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who returned to Iran after 15 years of exile.Various organizations conjured up shows depicting the Islamic revolution. Besides various sporting events,films,music,threater festivals and a museum incorporating the happenings of the Islamic Revolution formed part of the celebrations.
Iranians held a ten-day celebration across the country , hoisting flags of the country everywhere, displaying footages of the revolution and Imam Khomeini’s speeches on TV and chanting revolutionary songs in schools. Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi also participated in the mass rally. He said “People believe in the Revolution and the Islamic government whole-heartedly, every year more people participate in the demonstration”. Vice President Parviz Davoudi said “I hope Iran’s governments will never yield to domineering powers and will stand firm and proud”.
Also President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attended the rally and delivered a speech at Tehran’s Azadi (Freedom) square .He said “Today I declare to Iranian people that Iran is a superpower in the world.”
The celebration came to a close with a mass rally and military parade commemorating the fall of the Pahlavi regime.Faezeh a lecturerin University told “people in Iran are brave and believe in unity and they have the power to fight against the enemies of Iran and Islam”.
The 10- day long celebration in commemoration of the 30 Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran that began on 1st February has drawn to a close on 10th February 2009. Millions of Iranians across the country took to streets to celebrate 30 years of independence and Islamic governance . In February 1979, Islamic Revolution gained victory as the Leader of the popular movement, Imam Khomeini, arrived in Tehran after the US-backed dictator Shah had left the country . Imam Khomeini proclaimed the Islamic Republic of Iran on April 1,1979.
The celebration started on 1st February with a helicopter showering flowers on the tomb of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who returned to Iran after 15 years of exile.Various organizations conjured up shows depicting the Islamic revolution. Besides various sporting events,films,music,threater festivals and a museum incorporating the happenings of the Islamic Revolution formed part of the celebrations.
Iranians held a ten-day celebration across the country , hoisting flags of the country everywhere, displaying footages of the revolution and Imam Khomeini’s speeches on TV and chanting revolutionary songs in schools. Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi also participated in the mass rally. He said “People believe in the Revolution and the Islamic government whole-heartedly, every year more people participate in the demonstration”. Vice President Parviz Davoudi said “I hope Iran’s governments will never yield to domineering powers and will stand firm and proud”.
Also President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attended the rally and delivered a speech at Tehran’s Azadi (Freedom) square .He said “Today I declare to Iranian people that Iran is a superpower in the world.”
The celebration came to a close with a mass rally and military parade commemorating the fall of the Pahlavi regime.Faezeh a lecturerin University told “people in Iran are brave and believe in unity and they have the power to fight against the enemies of Iran and Islam”.
Iran's nuclear programme
Tehran ,
While US President Barack Obama vowed to engage diplomatically with Iran saying he will back ‘tough and direct diplomacy’ as a means to end the controversy surrounding Tehran’s nuclear programme,Iranian Parliament speaker Ali Larijani said “ Iran so far has not received any concrete offer from president Obama’s administration” adding that “The dispute over the nuclear issue is not an unsolvable problem if we stop being entrenched in our positions.”
Meanwhile the country’s top leader Imam Khamenei declared that “ Iran has achieved breakthroughs in nuclear and space technology despite international sanctions against i”.He told military commanders that “ Iran is becoming more self reliant,leading to greater strides by Iranian scientists and to technological advancements in the country’s history”.
Recently President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the launch of Iran’s first domestically produced satellite showing the west that the sanctions does not matter much.But Analysts believe it as a major step for an ambitious space program that worries the US and other hegemonic powers.
The United States imposed sanctions against Iran immediately after its 1979 Islamic Revolution,which toppled the US backed Shah Mohammad Reza.Over the years ,Washington has tightened sanctions against any investment in Iran. Since 2006,Iran has also been under UN Security Council sanctions due to its nuclear and missile industries and its refusal to halt uranium enrichment .
However the UN nuclear watchdog has confirmed in its latest November report that Iran has only enriched uranium-235 to a level 'less than 5 percent' -- a rate consistent with the development of a nuclear power plant where as Nuclear arms production requires an enrichment level of above 90 percent.
Currently,western powers have offered Iran a package of political and economic incentives to convince the country to halt its uranium enrichment program
Tue, 17 Feb 2009
While US President Barack Obama vowed to engage diplomatically with Iran saying he will back ‘tough and direct diplomacy’ as a means to end the controversy surrounding Tehran’s nuclear programme,Iranian Parliament speaker Ali Larijani said “ Iran so far has not received any concrete offer from president Obama’s administration” adding that “The dispute over the nuclear issue is not an unsolvable problem if we stop being entrenched in our positions.”
Meanwhile the country’s top leader Imam Khamenei declared that “ Iran has achieved breakthroughs in nuclear and space technology despite international sanctions against i”.He told military commanders that “ Iran is becoming more self reliant,leading to greater strides by Iranian scientists and to technological advancements in the country’s history”.
Recently President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the launch of Iran’s first domestically produced satellite showing the west that the sanctions does not matter much.But Analysts believe it as a major step for an ambitious space program that worries the US and other hegemonic powers.
The United States imposed sanctions against Iran immediately after its 1979 Islamic Revolution,which toppled the US backed Shah Mohammad Reza.Over the years ,Washington has tightened sanctions against any investment in Iran. Since 2006,Iran has also been under UN Security Council sanctions due to its nuclear and missile industries and its refusal to halt uranium enrichment .
However the UN nuclear watchdog has confirmed in its latest November report that Iran has only enriched uranium-235 to a level 'less than 5 percent' -- a rate consistent with the development of a nuclear power plant where as Nuclear arms production requires an enrichment level of above 90 percent.
Currently,western powers have offered Iran a package of political and economic incentives to convince the country to halt its uranium enrichment program
Tue, 17 Feb 2009
Strategic Relations essential for stability: Ahmadinejad
Tehran: In the region where world attention is currently centered and where US is desperately trying to conclude the two wars started during the days of Bush presidency,Iran occupies a dominant strategic position. With its borders touching Afghanistan and Pakistan on the east and Iraq on the west ,it is destined to play a significant role in stabilizing the position in both the areas.With asubstantial number of US troops to be soon withdrawn from Iraq for blostering war efforts in Afghanistan,which is again in the grip of resurgent Taliban and conditions in Pakistan worsening by the day,Iran’s positive influence becomes all the more imperative.Seid amir Mousavi Political analyst from Tehran said that “Bush tried hard to solve the middle east problem and to stabilize Afghanistan and Iraq .Iran’s role is important to solve Middle East the problems as we have the ports and forces to support the critical areas in Afghanistan and Iraq “.
When President Ahmadinejad exhorted Barack Obama on his election victory for “ restoring the legitimate rights of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan to leave behind a positive legacy” and Obama decided to give a new direction to Iran policy,a new phase in US-Iran relations had almost already begun. Now Obama is considering to seriously engage Iran in “direct diplomacy” to build trust in areas that may require mutual understanding and mutual accommodation. Meanwhile Obama remarks “Now it is the Time for Iran to send some signals that it wants to act differently ,as well, and recognize that,even as it has some rights as a member of the international community,with those rights come responsibilities”
Practicing a functional democracy under a Shiite regime established on April 1,1979 with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as supreme leader and succeeded after his death by Ayatollah Ali Khameinei on June 3 1989,country seeks to establish a society that ensures collective morality and social justice and opposes life of luxury and arrogance.The present world scenario ,where millions of jobs are being lost with the unemployed failing to meet the mortagage obligations of their houses,thanks to instruments that incorporated extreme risks while abandoning the ethical and self-regulatory systems of their businesses,however marks the Iranian concepts somewhat relevant even in the capitalistic society.
The country has made rapid advancements in Uranium enrichment technology and has recently launched a satellite in orbit that speaks amply of the progress made in the field of science and technology .Nuclear energy is thought necessary for undertaking huge development works including in the power sector though US and west suspect that uranium enrichment programme is aimed at acquiring nuclear weapons against the provisions of Non-Proliferation Regime.This also attracted action by the IAEA but more recently Obama contemplates direct diplomacy between the two countries to build trust .India however advocates a global non-discriminatory and verifiable elimination of all nuclear weapons.
But of still paramount importance are the bilateral or trilateral concerns/interests of Iran, Pakistan and India that not only properly answer the calls for national and regional aspirations of these countries but also have the potential of eliminating the terrorist activities afflicting the region and bringing unprecedented prosperity to all the three countries. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad emphasized “They (the west) said they want to defy terrorism ,Iranians have been fighting against terrorists for 30 years,and if they really want to defy the phenomenon they should cooperate with Iran’s nation that is the biggest victim of terrorism”.
Iran holds vast reserves of oil and gas energy while Pakistan and India direly need to import this energy for their huge development works .The Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline lingers implementation virtually being hostage to the security concerns of the pipeline being infested with militants and terrorists.Iran’s President Ahmadinejad even visited Pakistan and India in 2008 to stress the mutual economic benefits of the countries flowing from the project.The three countries could easily work ona action plan to rid this area of the terrorist activities.
India and Iran also share an added concern of eliminating the Taliban that now seek to destroy the very states of Afghanistan and Pakistan .Ameaningful joint plan by all the four countries can achieve the objective and additionally drive out poverty from this region.This only requires an enlightened vision and stern action at the level of all the involved governments.
Iran also offers vast and nearby market for India’s trade and industry.It also provides India access by land to Central Asian markets. Enhancement of Indo-Iranian cultural,trade and other relations have a great potential for all around benefit of the region and an added dimension in the context of the new phase of American-Iranian relationship after Obama’s taking over of US presidency.
Published: Thu, 12 Feb 2009
When President Ahmadinejad exhorted Barack Obama on his election victory for “ restoring the legitimate rights of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan to leave behind a positive legacy” and Obama decided to give a new direction to Iran policy,a new phase in US-Iran relations had almost already begun. Now Obama is considering to seriously engage Iran in “direct diplomacy” to build trust in areas that may require mutual understanding and mutual accommodation. Meanwhile Obama remarks “Now it is the Time for Iran to send some signals that it wants to act differently ,as well, and recognize that,even as it has some rights as a member of the international community,with those rights come responsibilities”
Practicing a functional democracy under a Shiite regime established on April 1,1979 with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as supreme leader and succeeded after his death by Ayatollah Ali Khameinei on June 3 1989,country seeks to establish a society that ensures collective morality and social justice and opposes life of luxury and arrogance.The present world scenario ,where millions of jobs are being lost with the unemployed failing to meet the mortagage obligations of their houses,thanks to instruments that incorporated extreme risks while abandoning the ethical and self-regulatory systems of their businesses,however marks the Iranian concepts somewhat relevant even in the capitalistic society.
The country has made rapid advancements in Uranium enrichment technology and has recently launched a satellite in orbit that speaks amply of the progress made in the field of science and technology .Nuclear energy is thought necessary for undertaking huge development works including in the power sector though US and west suspect that uranium enrichment programme is aimed at acquiring nuclear weapons against the provisions of Non-Proliferation Regime.This also attracted action by the IAEA but more recently Obama contemplates direct diplomacy between the two countries to build trust .India however advocates a global non-discriminatory and verifiable elimination of all nuclear weapons.
But of still paramount importance are the bilateral or trilateral concerns/interests of Iran, Pakistan and India that not only properly answer the calls for national and regional aspirations of these countries but also have the potential of eliminating the terrorist activities afflicting the region and bringing unprecedented prosperity to all the three countries. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad emphasized “They (the west) said they want to defy terrorism ,Iranians have been fighting against terrorists for 30 years,and if they really want to defy the phenomenon they should cooperate with Iran’s nation that is the biggest victim of terrorism”.
Iran holds vast reserves of oil and gas energy while Pakistan and India direly need to import this energy for their huge development works .The Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline lingers implementation virtually being hostage to the security concerns of the pipeline being infested with militants and terrorists.Iran’s President Ahmadinejad even visited Pakistan and India in 2008 to stress the mutual economic benefits of the countries flowing from the project.The three countries could easily work ona action plan to rid this area of the terrorist activities.
India and Iran also share an added concern of eliminating the Taliban that now seek to destroy the very states of Afghanistan and Pakistan .Ameaningful joint plan by all the four countries can achieve the objective and additionally drive out poverty from this region.This only requires an enlightened vision and stern action at the level of all the involved governments.
Iran also offers vast and nearby market for India’s trade and industry.It also provides India access by land to Central Asian markets. Enhancement of Indo-Iranian cultural,trade and other relations have a great potential for all around benefit of the region and an added dimension in the context of the new phase of American-Iranian relationship after Obama’s taking over of US presidency.
Published: Thu, 12 Feb 2009
Obama’s inauguration as US President
Today,on the 20th January ,2009 the charismatic Obama promising change with the mantra-Yes We Can!---is inaugurated as 44th president of the United states of America .Alongwith,he inherits a battered America in the midst of the worst economic recession since the great depression of 20s-30s, a deepening financial meltdown that shows no signs of easing, two wars started during Bush presidency that defy being concluded and the world—leadership role of America seriously in question but with no other power or country ready or in a position to take the mantle and pull the world out of this mess.
The most odd aspect of Bush era has been that Pakistan, its closest ally in the ‘war on terror’, has instead emerged as a place where most of the terrorist outfits of the world are currently headquartered and as a country that provides sanctuary to Al-Qaeda and breeds an equally deadlier ‘Pakistani Talibans’ akin to the Taliban in Afghanistan .More recently two extremely horrific events in the shape of Mumbai terrorist attacks emanating from Pakistan and Israel’s most disproportionate offensive in Gaza that explicitly entailed the mercyless killings of over a thousand innocent civilian Palestinians ,thrust entry into an already gloomy world scenario to show what was uglier still to be seen. The world will therefore turn to watch curiously how the new administration sets about to tackle the grave challenges to restore peace,stability and global economic progress.
Obama has already shown his preference for conciliation while shunning to tread the path along rigid ideology curves with military solutions.Showing his readiness to talk directly to even Hamas and Iran, wisdom and prudence may be having a greater play thereby making it easier for Al-Qaeda and Taliban concepts to fade away. Ushering in peace and stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan by involving neighbouring countries of India and Iran may therefore become a part of the new foreign policy of US.In mid-east a serious conciliation attempt may enable a lasting solution to emerge to the vexed Israel-Palestine conflict that may properly address the Palestinian grievances and provide a level field to both the parties.With regard to the south Asia the new administration is expected to have a salutary effect on the political turmoil in Nepal, redressing the political aspirations of Lankan Tamils within the constitutional framework (that may have to be suitably amended) of that country, ameliorating the conditions of Bangladeshis and ensuring lasting civilian supremacy in Pakistan so that prosperity percolates to the masses and brings moderation in the society. But Obama may face some really tough challenges for an urgent and quick revival of global economy.It is here that he has to provide a big world-leadership role lest a pall of gloom engulfs the world and spreads misery, unemployment and poverty around the globe.
Huge projects involving heavy spending of public money thus becomes a dire necessity.Financial bail-outs of industrial units for limited periods may provide temporary respite to spreading unemployment. Banking systems needs heavy injection of capital directly and indirectly through monetary measures .But these measures being adhoc and temporary spread uncertainty and unpredictability in the business world.So stabilizing the ‘credit markets’ that are still fundamentally broken is the real task before the government.The real approach lies in giving guarantee to all money-market funds for some period so that private capital starts flowing in the system.And that will inspire confidence in the business world.
Mon, 19 Jan 2009
The most odd aspect of Bush era has been that Pakistan, its closest ally in the ‘war on terror’, has instead emerged as a place where most of the terrorist outfits of the world are currently headquartered and as a country that provides sanctuary to Al-Qaeda and breeds an equally deadlier ‘Pakistani Talibans’ akin to the Taliban in Afghanistan .More recently two extremely horrific events in the shape of Mumbai terrorist attacks emanating from Pakistan and Israel’s most disproportionate offensive in Gaza that explicitly entailed the mercyless killings of over a thousand innocent civilian Palestinians ,thrust entry into an already gloomy world scenario to show what was uglier still to be seen. The world will therefore turn to watch curiously how the new administration sets about to tackle the grave challenges to restore peace,stability and global economic progress.
Obama has already shown his preference for conciliation while shunning to tread the path along rigid ideology curves with military solutions.Showing his readiness to talk directly to even Hamas and Iran, wisdom and prudence may be having a greater play thereby making it easier for Al-Qaeda and Taliban concepts to fade away. Ushering in peace and stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan by involving neighbouring countries of India and Iran may therefore become a part of the new foreign policy of US.In mid-east a serious conciliation attempt may enable a lasting solution to emerge to the vexed Israel-Palestine conflict that may properly address the Palestinian grievances and provide a level field to both the parties.With regard to the south Asia the new administration is expected to have a salutary effect on the political turmoil in Nepal, redressing the political aspirations of Lankan Tamils within the constitutional framework (that may have to be suitably amended) of that country, ameliorating the conditions of Bangladeshis and ensuring lasting civilian supremacy in Pakistan so that prosperity percolates to the masses and brings moderation in the society. But Obama may face some really tough challenges for an urgent and quick revival of global economy.It is here that he has to provide a big world-leadership role lest a pall of gloom engulfs the world and spreads misery, unemployment and poverty around the globe.
Huge projects involving heavy spending of public money thus becomes a dire necessity.Financial bail-outs of industrial units for limited periods may provide temporary respite to spreading unemployment. Banking systems needs heavy injection of capital directly and indirectly through monetary measures .But these measures being adhoc and temporary spread uncertainty and unpredictability in the business world.So stabilizing the ‘credit markets’ that are still fundamentally broken is the real task before the government.The real approach lies in giving guarantee to all money-market funds for some period so that private capital starts flowing in the system.And that will inspire confidence in the business world.
Mon, 19 Jan 2009
Political instability force early elections in Israel
Elections to the Israeli Knesset ( parliament),that were due in 2010,will now take place on 10 February 2009 in view of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni failure to cobble together a governing coalition.As a result,outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert,who has been forced to resign over multiple corruption allegations,may remain in office till new government formation.
Tzipi Livni abandoned her efforts to form a new governing coalition after she refused to meet demands from Ultra-Orthodox Jewish leaders that she should pledge not to discuss ceding parts of Jerusalem in any peace talks with the Palestinians.Her party Kadima with largest number of 29 seats in the 120-seat Parliament,needed the cooperation of several coalition partners.Though labour party leader Defence Minister Ehud Barack agreed to join the coalition,the coalition could not be cobbled as smaller parties that held the balance of power made far reaching political and budgetary demands. With the ensuing political uncertainty in Israel, and political turmoil on the Palestinian side is set to worsen amid intensify rivalry between Hamas and Fatah.
Hamas, which controls Gaza, is more hardliner in its view of the conflict with Israel, while Fatah is a secular party which favours dialogue with Israel, but was voted out of government in 2006 in favour of Hamas. Palestinian peace talks hinged mainly on two issues.First,return of the eastern sector of the city of Jerusalem and the West bank sought by the Palestinian and second the return of the Golan heights that Israel captured during the six days 1967 war from Syria. Livni won an internal Kadima vote in September to replace Olmert .
But Polls showed a close race between Livni and former Prime Minister Likud leader Benjamin Netanyuhu.While Netanyuhu,who is considered more knowledgeable and experienced on both security and economy, rejects land for peace deal with both the current Palestinian leadership and Syria..Current polls show his hawkish party poised to regain power.In case he triumphs he will take a harder line on peace talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas,Livni on the other hand is viewed as more judicious and less prone to embarrassing imbroglios
Updated : 9 february 2009
Tzipi Livni abandoned her efforts to form a new governing coalition after she refused to meet demands from Ultra-Orthodox Jewish leaders that she should pledge not to discuss ceding parts of Jerusalem in any peace talks with the Palestinians.Her party Kadima with largest number of 29 seats in the 120-seat Parliament,needed the cooperation of several coalition partners.Though labour party leader Defence Minister Ehud Barack agreed to join the coalition,the coalition could not be cobbled as smaller parties that held the balance of power made far reaching political and budgetary demands. With the ensuing political uncertainty in Israel, and political turmoil on the Palestinian side is set to worsen amid intensify rivalry between Hamas and Fatah.
Hamas, which controls Gaza, is more hardliner in its view of the conflict with Israel, while Fatah is a secular party which favours dialogue with Israel, but was voted out of government in 2006 in favour of Hamas. Palestinian peace talks hinged mainly on two issues.First,return of the eastern sector of the city of Jerusalem and the West bank sought by the Palestinian and second the return of the Golan heights that Israel captured during the six days 1967 war from Syria. Livni won an internal Kadima vote in September to replace Olmert .
But Polls showed a close race between Livni and former Prime Minister Likud leader Benjamin Netanyuhu.While Netanyuhu,who is considered more knowledgeable and experienced on both security and economy, rejects land for peace deal with both the current Palestinian leadership and Syria..Current polls show his hawkish party poised to regain power.In case he triumphs he will take a harder line on peace talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas,Livni on the other hand is viewed as more judicious and less prone to embarrassing imbroglios
Updated : 9 february 2009
World should act against terrorists in Pakistan
With Islamabad backtracking on its promise to crackdown on the masterminds of 26/11,Pakistan is virtually whipping up a war hysteria.While its air force planes are flying at low altitudes in most of the cities, as if, to meet an imminent threat from India,Baitullah Mehsud of (banned) Tehrik-e-Taliban has publicly declared that his suicide fighters would back the Pakistani Army in case of any military action with India,further declaring “The time had come to wage a real jihad that the Taliban had been waiting for” Pakistan’s military is now massively deployed all along the Indian borders and the Line of control. This has exposed the tacit understanding between Pakistan Army and the Taliban (and other Islamist forces) even as the two were fighting each other in the tribal FATA areas and the North West Frontier Province.
In fact Pakistan army wants a war-like conflagration to develop with India as an excuse to back out of war against Taliban and Al-Qaeda it is fighting jointly with US and NATO forces on its western borders with Afghanistan.The aim is apparently to drastically alter the ground situation so that Obama’s military plans in this region that are being planned may go awry and benefit the Islamists forces.And to shift the focus from mounting international pressure on Pakistan to crackdown on terror groups. After a month into the Mumbai attacks,international action against Pakistan has not been enough and appears to be wearing down.With a time limit to the restraint on military response in the shape of precision strikes against terrorist targets,India cannot afford to be seen as incapable of making Pakistan to bear the political costs of these terror strikes.
Pakistan’s bluff of using the nuclear option should not deter India from embarking on a bold action. Husain haqqani,Pakistan Ambassador to US in his book ‘Pakistan Between Mosque and Military’ writes that “the emphasis on Islam as an element of national policy empowered the new country’s (Pakistan) religious leaders.It also created a nexus between the “custodians of Islam” and the Country’s military establishment,civilian bureaucracy and intelligence apparatus, which saw itself as a guardian of the new state”. This nexus resulted in creating a culture of extremism and terrorism in Pakistan that is being exported out to neighbouring India and as far away as South –East Asia,US and European continents with grave consequences for humanity.It is in this context that international community should strive hard to ensure against toppling of civilian rule in this country while keeping away the meddlings of the army,ISI and the religious extremists.The nature and extent of the challenge in Pakistan has been aptly summed by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, “Pakistan has everything that gives you an international migraine.It has nuclear weapons ,it has terrorism ,extremists, corruption(and is) very poor”.Infact it is this false notion of religious extremism denying genuine economic and political aspirations of the people that saw the eastern wing of Pakistan violently breaking away from the country in the year 1971. And it was the same false notion that saw Pervez Musharraf pitted against the civil society of Pakistan and ultimately humbled and removed from presidency.
And it may be the same false notion that may witness secession of Pashtun and Baloch areas from this nation. India thinking realistically intensely desires a stable and prosperous Pakistan flourishing as its neighbour alongwith Afghanistan and other SAARC neighbours. Taliban and Al-Qaeda elements in collusion with terrorist outfits in Pakistan have deliberately struck at Mumbai targets when the US presidency is in transition.Plans are statedly afoot for arming local militias against Talibans so that they may engage Talibans alongside US and NATO forces. Besides the “War Area” against Taliban has been expanded to include tribal FATA area of Pakistan so that they can be effectively flushed out from the crevices of the rugged mountains that provide sanctuary to them.
Updated : Saturday, 28 Mar 2009, 11:20 [IST]
In fact Pakistan army wants a war-like conflagration to develop with India as an excuse to back out of war against Taliban and Al-Qaeda it is fighting jointly with US and NATO forces on its western borders with Afghanistan.The aim is apparently to drastically alter the ground situation so that Obama’s military plans in this region that are being planned may go awry and benefit the Islamists forces.And to shift the focus from mounting international pressure on Pakistan to crackdown on terror groups. After a month into the Mumbai attacks,international action against Pakistan has not been enough and appears to be wearing down.With a time limit to the restraint on military response in the shape of precision strikes against terrorist targets,India cannot afford to be seen as incapable of making Pakistan to bear the political costs of these terror strikes.
Pakistan’s bluff of using the nuclear option should not deter India from embarking on a bold action. Husain haqqani,Pakistan Ambassador to US in his book ‘Pakistan Between Mosque and Military’ writes that “the emphasis on Islam as an element of national policy empowered the new country’s (Pakistan) religious leaders.It also created a nexus between the “custodians of Islam” and the Country’s military establishment,civilian bureaucracy and intelligence apparatus, which saw itself as a guardian of the new state”. This nexus resulted in creating a culture of extremism and terrorism in Pakistan that is being exported out to neighbouring India and as far away as South –East Asia,US and European continents with grave consequences for humanity.It is in this context that international community should strive hard to ensure against toppling of civilian rule in this country while keeping away the meddlings of the army,ISI and the religious extremists.The nature and extent of the challenge in Pakistan has been aptly summed by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, “Pakistan has everything that gives you an international migraine.It has nuclear weapons ,it has terrorism ,extremists, corruption(and is) very poor”.Infact it is this false notion of religious extremism denying genuine economic and political aspirations of the people that saw the eastern wing of Pakistan violently breaking away from the country in the year 1971. And it was the same false notion that saw Pervez Musharraf pitted against the civil society of Pakistan and ultimately humbled and removed from presidency.
And it may be the same false notion that may witness secession of Pashtun and Baloch areas from this nation. India thinking realistically intensely desires a stable and prosperous Pakistan flourishing as its neighbour alongwith Afghanistan and other SAARC neighbours. Taliban and Al-Qaeda elements in collusion with terrorist outfits in Pakistan have deliberately struck at Mumbai targets when the US presidency is in transition.Plans are statedly afoot for arming local militias against Talibans so that they may engage Talibans alongside US and NATO forces. Besides the “War Area” against Taliban has been expanded to include tribal FATA area of Pakistan so that they can be effectively flushed out from the crevices of the rugged mountains that provide sanctuary to them.
Updated : Saturday, 28 Mar 2009, 11:20 [IST]
Bangladesh Heading towards Democracy
Bangladesh polls earlier due for December 18 stand postponed to December 29 by the election commission. But BNP one of the two parties that is headed by former Prime Minister Khaleeda Zia wants the election to be deferred till the month of January next year (2009).Though its main rival, the Awami League, insists that any delay in elections would be unfair. The country’s military -backed interim government wants to ensure that both the main parties participate in the ensuing elections.The interim government after its apparently inclusive talks with former premier Khaleeda Zia of Bangladesh Nationalist party and her arch rival Sheikh Hasina has come up with the crucial announcement about the date of election. United Nations monitoring team has arrived in Bangladesh to assess the conduct of the Nation’s parliamentary elections due in December.. Commenting on the significance of free and fair elections in Bangladesh ,UN Secretary general Ban –Ki-Moon said “It is in the world’s and your best interest to see Bangladesh achieve its full potential for democratic development through free and capable elections”.After meeting President Iajuddin Ahmad,interim leader Fakhruddin Ahmad and other political leaders he added ‘I have informed the government and the political parties that the UN has dispatched a small team of highly capable and prominent individuals who will assess the conduct of elections and report”. After democracy in Bangladesh was restored in the year 1991,the dynasties of Hasina and Zia dominated the national politics by ruling the country alternatively.The current political turmoil started when Khaleeda Zia after completing her five years term in October 2006 handed over the charge of interim government to President Iajuddin for holding the elections,but there were large scale agitations and nation –wide demonstrations against flawed voters lists as well as against biased and politicized Election Commission that was perceived as favouring Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Amidst high political tensions,the President handed over the charge of interim government to Fakruddin Ahmad and declared emergency on January 11for creating congenial atmosphere for holding free and fair elections.But the interim government, backed by army,soon embarked on a major crackdown on corruption,corrupt politicians and Islamists militants in which some 160 senior political figures were also arrested. In the earlier 2001 elections,the BNP and its allies won a two-thirds majority but during the ensuing two-year rule of the caretaker government that party has been seriously weakened.Many of its leaders including Khaleeda Zia and her two sons were accused of corruption and jailed Bangladesh’s other main party,the Awami league,was less affected by the anti-coprruption drive even though its leader Sheikh Hasina was also jailed.
Updated : Saturday, 28 Mar 2009, 11:46 [IST]
Updated : Saturday, 28 Mar 2009, 11:46 [IST]
Mar 27, 2010
Pakistan’s impending water wars
Pakistan handed over a “non-paper” to India on water sharing at the bilateral Foreign secretary level talks held in New Delhi on February 25 .But the Indian officials allege this non –paper is nothing but a ploy by Pakistan Army to whip up bilateral tensions over water sharing issue to consolidate their grip over the country at a time when provinces within Pakistan are fighting over water sharing .So much so that provinces have threatened “water wars” with each other . The waters of the Indus basin are regulated within Pakistan by the Indus river System Authority (IRSA) ,which itself was created by the inter-provincial Water Accord of 1991 . Sindh regularly accuses Punjab of not providing it with its share of water. Punjab, on the other hand, claims that it gets nothing more than its rightful share of water under the Water Accord.Last couple of meetings of IRSA has witnessed heated arguments among Sindh ,Punjab , and Balochistan provinces over water sharing .The Army is encouraging a campaign that Pakistan was facing water shortage due to India ,according to Indian officials .According to reports reaching here Pakistan’s Punjab province ,which has been getting the majority of Indus waters so far ,is on war path with Sindh and Balochistan provinces which have claimed that Punjab have denied the latter adequate share of waters and for undertaking Chashma-Jhelum and Taunsa-Pinjad link canals projects .Sindh has reservations on the Chashma-Jhelum project .Sindh has in fact demanded that Punjab give up its Chashma-Jhelum project and any other future projects on Indus river. Pakistan Prime Minister Gilani has been asked to intervene and address such issues through an executive order. Meanwhile ,Punjab has sought the federal government’s intervention to get more water from the Indus to meet its target of wheat production .That India is not to blame for Pakistan’s water crisis is understood from none other than Pakistan’s Water Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf who told the National Assembly last month that India was within its rights to build dams on Jhelum and Chenab rivers . According to Pakistan’s water expert A N Abasi , “If the process of stealing Sindh’s water did not stop,then there would be no option but to wage a war.” Expressing similar sentiments ,another water expert Nazir Memom pointed out that Punjab had constructed 16 barrages,2 dams and 2 canals forcibly and that the province was taking Sindh’s water. India has rights over the three eastern rivers (Ravi ,Beas ,Sutlej) ,while Pakistan has rights on three western rivers (Indus, Jhelum ,Chenab ) ,according to the 1960 Indus Water Treaty (IWT) between the two countries on six rivers. In the non-paper, Pakistan asked New Delhi to give full and timely communication on new power-generation plants and irrigation work taken up by India on the western rivers. But Indian officials point out that all information about 33 hydropower projects on the Chenab,Jhelum and Indus rivers have been provided to Islamabad and water used for irrigation was within the permissible limit.
Business prospects in Iraq
While war-ravaged Iraq grapples with its massive reconstruction phase to rehabilitate its economy ,Indian assistance and participation in this process is hampered for want of a policy decision by the government of India .Not only interaction between both Governments is restricted, private participation has also been seriously held-up due to a 2004 travel advisory against travel to Iraq that has not been formally cancelled even after March 7,2010 Iraq elections that promise positive impact in the transformational process of the country and the region around it . It is rather a time to show India’s solidarity with Iraq and offer our willingness and desire to help them vehemently in their great endeavor.However, some positive minded professionals, businessmen and companies have come together to form India chapter of the India Iraq Economic Cooperation Council. A MoU was signed yesterday in New Delhi for establishing the Council, with a chapter each in Delhi and Baghdad to help businesses on both sides to enhance and diversify economic and commercial relations between the two countries. The chairman of the executive council from the Indian side MS Ramachandran, former Chairman of the Indian oil corporation signed the MoU on behalf of the Indian side where as from the Iraqi side it was signed by Karim Mohammed Ali Al-Obied, Chairman, Samawa Chamber of commerce. To ensure that the newly formed Council’s activities are not impaired, it is a time for the Government to initiate some political moves. Removal of the 2004 advisory should be one of the first such moves which in the long run may lead to restoring of direct air connectivity between New Delhi and Baghdad to facilitate easy travel between both countries. Upgrading the level of diplomatic relations to ambassadorial level will also serve to give a long overdue signal to the business leaders to re-establish our old relationship.Needless to stress that economies of these two countries are supplementary in terms of India’s fast growing energy needs even in the long –run and Indian markets are able to meet the requirements of Iraq’s with regard to food ,infrastructure projects ,healthcare ,consumer products and various services like banking ,IT ,telecommunications .Even more importantly Indian markets offer high-quality products and performance while simultaneously evolving low cost models. With Indian economy progressing rapidly and projected to increase four-fold by the end of next decade ending 2020, this relationship is bound to benefit both the countries immensely.In addition India has a transparent, business friendly environment and a business friendly legal system. India is rated as world-power in IT and enjoys global status in the fields of business and medical education. With Indian side of the “India Iraq Economic Cooperation Council” headed by a former Chairman of the Indian oil corporation ,it hardly needs saying how advantageously this will impact the partnership in the gas and oil sector as Iraq sits on the third largest oil reserves of at least 115 billion barrels. On the occasion of signing the MoU, M S Ramachandran said “India and Iraq have had very flourishing trade and commerce ties that later dipped due to war in Iraq and currently stand confined to only handful of items. But, in contrast, more than 40000 factories in Iraq stand direly in need of India’s participation and support”. It would therefore be in the fitness of things if the government takes early appropriate action rather than hold up the matters in an over cautious approach. Karim Mohammed Ali Al-Obied who is leading the Iraqi delegation said “Though German and other European, US and Chinese firms have already got into the business of reconstruction activity in Iraq; India should not lag behind anymore and should take full advantage of the business opportunities that have been thrown open in the wake of the reconstruction phase of the country.”In order to give impetus to the much needed business activities between the two countries, government should aggressively facilitate the efforts of the “Council” with various ministries and business organization and also take up matters with Iraqi governmental organs and bodies to ensure that Indian business really spreads to different provinces of Iraq to enhance and diversify the volume or trade between both countries which is currently dominated by export of crude oil from Iraq to India.
Taliban integration process basically flawed
The impending US military surge in Afghanistan that is currently planned to launch a major operation in the crucial province of Kandahar, considered to be the Taliban power- house and home city of Taliban Supremo Mullah Omar, already appears doomed to failure even before it is launched.While the surge is extremely short on time-frame ending mid-2011 in a long drawn war on terror,the process of stitching and transforming the society is actually taking place in a rather strange and peculiar manner.There is a greater stress on tactfully arranging an assemblage of groups by generating splits and defections among the insurgents rather than creating a fundamental change in the society against Taliban ideology.Thus sooner the US forces exit Afghanistan,the situation will again lurch towards extremism and terrorism. Sensing an early US exit from Afghanistan without having achieved their aims of war on terror, the insurgents are themselves in the midst of a process of split and switching sides with an eye on finding a place in government administration.A virtual war has broken out between the insurgents aligned to Hezb-I- Islami and the Taliban cadres in Baghlan province in northern Afghanistan and a hundred or so Hezb-I-Islami fighters are ready to defect to government side.Thus the switching of loyalty does not involve any change of hearts. Even in the past Hekmatyar had offered to lay down weapons on an unacceptable demand that a “neutral” government be installed in Kabul and presently he may be hedging his bets. One faction of Hezb-I- Islami has already won seats in Afghan Parliament .Needless to mention that a number of warlords have actually carved out drug-routes in-between themselves and the Talibans and their integration would rather aggravate the problem of trafficking in drugs contrary to the arms of US-led war.Even more surprising ,Pakistan is being given a role in the process of integrating Taliban,though Pakistan itself under Zia-ul-Haq was instrumental in driving Mujhahideens towards fundamental terrorism and later fostering Talibans in his quest for “strategic Depth” that ultimately led to Al-Qaeda acquiring sanctuary in that country and 9/11 terrorist attacks in America.In a strange and peculiar manner the normalization in Afghanistan and its akin FATA (tribal area) in Pakistan is being built along similar scary lines.Even Pakistan army known for harboring roguish elements and political ambitions that often found way in seizing power in Pakistan has offered to train Afghan forces where as Afghan forces need to be trained as a strict professional force and under personnel with proficiency in effectively controlling the trafficking in drugs away from the cancer of corruption. Thus even before US and NATO forces,duly reinforced with additional 30,000 US troops and some thousand extra NATO troops and some extra NATO troops start the operation n Kandahar there is an urgent need to rectify the flawed integration process Taliban need to be suitably degraded so that there is no re-emergence of previously seen ghastly environments. In the context of these short comings in US approach,it is natural for countries in this region particularly Iran,Russia ,India and China to come forward for sharing common strategic concerns so that stability and development in Afghanistan is properly ensured.
India and Russia to strengthen strategic partnership
India and Russia will strengthen their bilateral ties in crucial areas such as atomic energy,space and defence during this visit of Prime Minister Putin to India . Pavel Felgenhauer a Russian political and military analyst is of the view that Putin’s this visit is mostly about military aspects.Both the countries are mainly focused on the issue of stability in the Central Asia particularly Afghanistan.The talks are also likely to cover energy security and trade. The talks will also cover common strategic interest focusing on the security situation in Afghanistan but are also likely to extend on other global issues such as global financial crisis and climate change .Earlier , Russia and India agreed to a 10-year weapons deal that could be worth at least $10-billion. They are also building a modern supersonic stealth fighter aircraft. During Putin fifth visit to India.the delegation includes Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Sobyanin considered as a pointsman on India-Russia ties. Russia remains India’s major supplier of arms and military technology and is already engaged in building four nuclear reactors in India . The present focus would be on military agreements such as developing a military transport aircraft and supplying MiG-29K fighters. Of strategic interest would be the closure of talks on civilian and military utilization of the Russia Glonass (the Global Navigation Satellite System), the Russian equivalent of the U.S. Global Positioning System, as well as an agreement on cooperation in R&D on civil nuclear energy. MEA spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said "During the very successful visit of our Prime Minister to Russia last year in December,both the sides adopted a Joint Declaration on Deepening the Strategic Partnership to meet Global Challenges.' Ours is a truly multifaceted strategic partnership spanning a whole range of areas such as defence, nuclear energy, hydrocarbons, science and technology, space, economic and trade". Both countries are also expected to boost bilateral trade as neither has made a significant presence in each other's markets. India's state-run energy company, ONGC, has been trying to augment its position in Russia.Together Russia and India along with Brazil and China, are part of the so-called BRIC grouping of major developing economies trying to promote a multi-polar world not dominated by the United States.
Mar 6, 2010
Iraq elections promise a positive impact
Iraq’s most crucial parliamentary elections ,that may even see the country unified in sectarian terms, thanks to Sunnis declaring their full participation in these polls in contrast to the earlier 2005 elections boycotted by them, take place today the 7th march 2010 ,as a focus of attention of the entire world.Even with greater focus and concerns these elections will be watched by its neighbours Iran,Saudi Arabia,Syria and other countries in the Mid-East in order to judge as to along what lines the Mid East region may undergo its transformation.
The one-day Sunday poll takes place simultaneously in the country as well as 16 countries around the world where an estimated 1.4 million displaced Iraqis will exercise their mandate.About 19 million of Iraq’s estimated 28 million people are eligible to vote.However about 600,000 to 700,000 people took part in early voting on Thursday 4th March as they could not take part in Sunday poll .These included detainees,hospital patients and military and security personnel who are working on election day.
With 306 political entities registered to run for only 325 seats in the council of representatives, and more than 5000 candidates standing in the elections, no clear picture of any alliance, that may form the government can be forseen. But a Shiite taking the top job of Prime Minister appears certain, though they are not as united as in 2005 polls.Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki,the Shiite head of the ‘State of law Alliance’, a religious coalition with a secular outlook that includes several Sunni tribal sheikhs, says he is “certain” of his poll victory. His rivals include Iyad Allawi ,a Shiite former Prime Minister who heads Iraqiya list, a secular coalition which has a strong support in Sunni areas. Among others, Ahmed Chalabi a former deputy premier, Adel Abdel Mahdi,the country’s Shi’ite vice president and Baqer Jaber Salogh,the finance Minister are the main rivals who represent Iraq National Alliance (INA).
The extraordinary high number of about 5000 candidates in the election leaves a wide scope of horse-trading to form the governing coalition.
About 500 candidates both from Sunni and Shiite seats have been excluded from these polls after being accused of links to Saddam’s outlawed Baath party.Thus a row over their reinstatement,and concerns about the legitimacy of the unelected Justice and accountability Committee that barred them, has become the central issue of elections overshadowing the policies that the candidates were expected to stress.
The country may soon be seen engaged in serious national reconciliation efforts after the elections.More so since the US soldiers withdrew from urban areas last summer and all combat troops are due to pull out by September with only 50,000-strong training and advisory force left behind to leave by the end of 2011.
There are three major Kurdish parties :the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP),the patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Gorren (Movement for change).
The KDP and KUP are well established historical parties advocating Kurdish rights and together they form the Democratic Alliance of Kurdistan, as represented in the Iraqi Parliament. They also control the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Kurdish Regional Assembly and remain united in these elections.
The most positive note appears to be the enthusiasm among both Shi’ite and Sunni sects for participation in these elections. Sheikh Abdul Rahman al Jorani exhorted Iraqis “You must go to voting centres because it is your duty”. Likewise Ahmed al Safi a representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali Husseini al Sistani described these elections as a “huge vital issue” essential to ensuring that Iraqis can “draw their own future” .Thus Al-Qaeda threat to disrupt this election by “military means” may go unheeded.
There is a scope that Iraq elections may prove a turning point in delivering progressive outlook and enhanced relations in the countries of Mid-East.
The one-day Sunday poll takes place simultaneously in the country as well as 16 countries around the world where an estimated 1.4 million displaced Iraqis will exercise their mandate.About 19 million of Iraq’s estimated 28 million people are eligible to vote.However about 600,000 to 700,000 people took part in early voting on Thursday 4th March as they could not take part in Sunday poll .These included detainees,hospital patients and military and security personnel who are working on election day.
With 306 political entities registered to run for only 325 seats in the council of representatives, and more than 5000 candidates standing in the elections, no clear picture of any alliance, that may form the government can be forseen. But a Shiite taking the top job of Prime Minister appears certain, though they are not as united as in 2005 polls.Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki,the Shiite head of the ‘State of law Alliance’, a religious coalition with a secular outlook that includes several Sunni tribal sheikhs, says he is “certain” of his poll victory. His rivals include Iyad Allawi ,a Shiite former Prime Minister who heads Iraqiya list, a secular coalition which has a strong support in Sunni areas. Among others, Ahmed Chalabi a former deputy premier, Adel Abdel Mahdi,the country’s Shi’ite vice president and Baqer Jaber Salogh,the finance Minister are the main rivals who represent Iraq National Alliance (INA).
The extraordinary high number of about 5000 candidates in the election leaves a wide scope of horse-trading to form the governing coalition.
About 500 candidates both from Sunni and Shiite seats have been excluded from these polls after being accused of links to Saddam’s outlawed Baath party.Thus a row over their reinstatement,and concerns about the legitimacy of the unelected Justice and accountability Committee that barred them, has become the central issue of elections overshadowing the policies that the candidates were expected to stress.
The country may soon be seen engaged in serious national reconciliation efforts after the elections.More so since the US soldiers withdrew from urban areas last summer and all combat troops are due to pull out by September with only 50,000-strong training and advisory force left behind to leave by the end of 2011.
There are three major Kurdish parties :the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP),the patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Gorren (Movement for change).
The KDP and KUP are well established historical parties advocating Kurdish rights and together they form the Democratic Alliance of Kurdistan, as represented in the Iraqi Parliament. They also control the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Kurdish Regional Assembly and remain united in these elections.
The most positive note appears to be the enthusiasm among both Shi’ite and Sunni sects for participation in these elections. Sheikh Abdul Rahman al Jorani exhorted Iraqis “You must go to voting centres because it is your duty”. Likewise Ahmed al Safi a representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali Husseini al Sistani described these elections as a “huge vital issue” essential to ensuring that Iraqis can “draw their own future” .Thus Al-Qaeda threat to disrupt this election by “military means” may go unheeded.
There is a scope that Iraq elections may prove a turning point in delivering progressive outlook and enhanced relations in the countries of Mid-East.
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