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Aug 31, 2013

Central Asia key to economic prosperity of entire region

After the break up  of the Soviet Union in the year 1990,the  region comprising  Central Asian Republics  was considered to have emerged as an area of great dimensions. Holding enormous deposits of energy resource ,it was supposed  to cater to political needs  of the world fastest

Aug 28, 2013

US strike on Syria may turn into a full fledged war

Syrian crisis headed for a new flashpoint  with US reportedly planning military strikes against  Syrian strategic  targets that mainly include  airports,military bases and arms depots . These strikes statedly have a limited scope  lasting for few days in response  to  chemical weapons attacks

Aug 20, 2013

Falling Rupee shatters sentiment, Fear of FDI pull out looms large

Indian experts are predicting that downfall of rupee will continue and the problem is likely to intensify further in the coming months.

If the experts are to be believed the situation is not likely to resolve until Lok Sabha elections